A little off topic of bonsai, but need some advice pls! :)


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Anaheim Hills, CA
I planted this seed from a pepper tree that grows all around southern california. It sprouted about a month ago and it's remained this size for all this time. It's about an inch tall right now. I check the soil and water regularly. Anyone has any experience with pepper trees?
I planted the chinese elm seeds at the same time and those are growing great in size...
You sure that's a pepper tree? Doesn't look like any pepper tree I have seen. Not saying it's not (because I am not a pepper tree expert) but I've got several different species in my yard and they don't look like that. All of mine have compound leaves....

Let me poke around in the yard and I'll probably find a seedling that I can take a photo of.
yes, im sure it's a pepper tree. I grabbed a bunch of these seeds from a tree as you see in this picture, came home, broke the pink shell and planted it in the container you see in the first picture! A week later this popped out! :)Pepper tree.jpg
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