That dude on Caddyshack may try one.I can also claim my dog leaves tootsie rolls in my yard. No amount of my stance will afford one to pick it up and eat it
same applies to this malarkey on age. Sellers gimmick to fool unexpecting buyers with fluffing.
No bonsaiAlso, What's a Nonsai????
As long as you paid Goods and Services, you are safe. If you paid Friends and Family, then ya. Money is lost.E bay is such a scam anymore, I just lost $150 on a scam, I'm sure ebay will reimburse me but it's a loss of time and just frustrating, once I identified a scam was taking place there was nothing I could do but wait it out,
NopeAm I wrong to doubt this eBay item description?
Nope.Or would y'all think it's legit?
I would add that most people have no idea as to what makes a plant, a bonsai.Any time someone lists the age of a bonsai first, it's likely a scam or someone who doesn't know what they're doing (they also stick rocks in the pot as well to make things look more "zen."). Age is irrelevant for the most part. People who don't understand bonsai think age is reeeeeally important though. It's what age the tree LOOKS. This one looks about 5 years old.