A bloodgood is a cultivar of A. palmatum (Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'). Since this Japanese maple is unlabeled, it could be any cultivar - or no cultivar at all. If there isn't a noticeable graft union, it may simply be a random seedling.
It doesn't mean it isn't any less beautiful, it just means it isn't a cultivar. FWIW most Japanese maple bonsai (in Japan) are not cultivars. They are seedlings specifically chosen because they have good bonsai characteristics (small leaves, short internodes).
I've got a seedling tray of seedlings from several Bloodgood landscape trees. Because of the high genetic variability of Japanese maples, the seedlings often do not look anything like the parent tree. Within this one tray some are bigger, some are smaller, they have different colors, and some aren't even red leafed. The only way to propagate a cultivar is to clone it - via cutting, air-layer, or graft.