1st Juniper Yamadori -- thoughts on design?


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High Desert, Central Oregon
I collected this in early May and have watched as the main trunk has died back but the lowest branch is still alive. Today I decided to remove the majority of the dead needles so I could get a better indication of what was happening and I think that it may actually be a separate tree that was growing in the same crack in the rock and grew from under one of the roots (root over tree??) or maybe it is 3 trees all growing close together.

Looking for thoughts on design, even though I am not planning on doing any more work to this until next year.

Here it is just after being collected and planted into a box.
Collected early May 2024.jpeg

And here it is today--I had already started removing needles when I realized I needed a before pic:

As it is now:
A couple of close ups of the base where you can see that it might be

What made you decide to remove all the foliage from almost all the branches instead of only removing a certain number of branches?
Before thinking about style, keep it alive for at least two more years. It’s very unhealthy as is, to the point where I would want to consult with someone local about what needs to be adjusted to keep it alive.
2 more years...well I guess I have other trees in the meantime. This was my first try at collecting a juniper and I was sort of surprised any of it survived. I still want to think about the design, even if I need to wait for it to recover.
What made you decide to remove all the foliage from almost all the branches instead of only removing a certain number of branches?
All of the removed foliage was dead--all I had to do was lightly brush a branch for the needles to fall. I just wanted to see the bare bones before removing any branches. Perhaps it was a mistake--as this is my first Juniper, I am still learning.
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