19-SEP-2023 Shock to the system [Fukien Tea Bonsai]


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Cary, North Carolina
Purchased my Fukien Tea Bonsai Tree [Buckaroo] late July. This current journey for the tree began the first week of September. When we went to see the children in Maryland last week of August for the Holiday. I had brought the tree back to life after being in a sealed box for 4-5 days being shipped to our home in North Carolina from Florida [The last image posted is of Buckaroo recovered in August - after 90% of the leaves fell off after transport]. I purchased an automated watering system [that worked when we were on San Diego for five days mid August]. However, when leaving for Maryland, I programmed the pump to to push water in the pot for 4 seconds every other day. Alas, I did not set the function to 'ON.' Buckaroo sat for five days without water [yikes!]. To add insult to injury, instead of just watering the tree to help restore it to health after neglect- I decided to shock the tree's entire system further by repotting in a new larger pot. Immediately after transplanting 'Buckaroo Banzai' I watered the pot abundantly, until the water came out clear and transparent [without any soil or dust]. Have always used filtered water on Buckaroo. I heard stories of people watering their bonsai with tap water - full of fluorides. Have seen most folks recommend placing bonsai trees in semi-shade after a transplant.
I also placed a shade in the window - to see that the tree does get not exposed to direct sunlight. The pot itself will get direct sunlight for a few hours in the morning. Also, the ambient light from the windows facing East in front of me, and South to my right [from the sunroom] is excellent [see images]. Generally [I have read] it is recommended between 2 and 3 weeks of semi-shade after repotting, and gradually allow in the sun. This is to avoid dehydration when the root system is rebuilding after repot. The intent is for my tree to be stationary and take root at this window until the temperature does not fall below 70 degrees outside - being a good time for relocation to the sunroom. There is disputed guidance on Sun and shade as well; That being it be said that the bonsai needs sun [not shade] so the temperature inside the pot rises. The increase in temperature in the pot helps to promote the roots healing and growth processes. Myself, like anyone, can become so focused they see only what is in front or them, as opposed to also seeing the periphery. My attempt at Sun/shade compromise is noted. [I have been reminded to chill and wait. Still unsettling to see all the leaves gone - My fingers are crossed!]

One of the most important tools of Bonsai, is patience.

Cary, NC


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