
  1. B

    Collected Euonymus burning bush advice for big chop

    I dug this big multi-trunk burning bush up from my yard two years ago. I put it in a ~25 gallon pot for a year. The following spring (last year), I heavily pruned the roots and potted it into this wooden box I built. This spring I'm planning to do a drastic chop on all the trunks to make it much...
  2. Fi5ch

    47 year old collected juniper

    On 8/23 I went by a house that will be demolished next week and paid $20 to dig out this juniper. I'm pretty sure it is an ERC/Juniperus Virginian, and likely ~47 years old as the house was built in 1977. I know that ERC gets a lot of grief as bonsai, but the 5" twisted trunks and tons of...
  3. TomRVA

    Big Ol Bloodgood

    Here’s a tree I collected from a neighbors yard who was going to have it chopped down. It was initially about a 15/20 foot tree , I went out in late December 2021 ( not ideal time but it survived!) and dug it up- it was a decent amount of work to get it out and boxed up. Here are some progress...
  4. chlorine-queen

    Tips and tricks to finding yardadori

    Anyone here have recommendations when it comes to looking for folks to let you come dig up landscaping shrubs from their yard? Craigslist and Marketplace have “free- you dig” type postings around my area occasionally (Oregon coast), but I’m considering posting my own ads for shrub/small tree...
  5. Z

    Potential urban yamadori/yardadori or too far gone?

    Here's a couple pines in front of my grandmother's house. She wants to remove them and put in a porch next spring. They are two needle and, though I'm no expert on pines, I'm fairly certain they're mugo. They were planted in 1992 from nursery stock. No clue how old the nursery stock was but...
  6. PowerTap

    Dying tips?

    I have a yardidori common juniper that I dug up last year. It made it through last summer without dying, but now I'm seeing a lot of dead tips on it as we start into an early spring. It's in a probably to large grow bag in potting soil. I'm concerned it's staying to wet and considering moving...
  7. PowerTap

    Shortening leggy branches

    I harvested this juniper from my FIL's yard this last spring. I love the trunk but the branches are long and straight before you get to any foliage. It came out of the ground and I'm not sure how to approach shortening the branches without losing it all together. Should I cut back to the...
  8. CptnGlyn

    Euonymus alatus garden find potential shohin…

    I moved into my current house a few years back. In 2021 we decided to put veg beds in one section of the garden that was pretty overgrown. During clearance of the area, I discovered two Euonymus alatus that had been planted in by the previous owner. The soil was dreadful sucky clay mess covered...
  9. Grego83

    Collected Lantana XXXL

    Lantana are used often in landscapes here in Southern California, and I am surprised I haven't seen more collected Lantana as bonsai. I collected this one in January from the backyard of my parent's house, as it had outgrown it's spot next to a walkway. None of us can remember exactly, but we...
  10. LuZiKui

    Olive tree Landscape-adori

    My neighborhood has a path around it with landscaping that is maintained by the HOA. We have probably 50 olive trees lining the street into the neighborhood. When the olive trees fruit, the crows like to eat them, then they drop olive seeds all over the neighborhood. I was walking the path and...
  11. Koenye

    Will this beauty survive !?

    Hi all, This weekend, again I had the chance to dig out this amazing tree. Unfortunately while lifting the tree out of the ground, a lot of The roots just fell off. I made it wet and placed it in a big training pot with akadama, some vulcastrat and moss. for now it just has to rest for at...
  12. Sticks 'n' Triangles

    Privet Yardadori Loads of Deadwood, What to do? (ligustrum ovalifolium)

    My first time collecting somewhat of an actual tree, rather than a tiny sapling. Lots of carving to do in the future, I'm sure! This lovely lady let me dig up her privets that were clinging on to the bank, for free! I stuck one in a box and the other two were joined so put into a crate, as I...
  13. ZombieNick

    Collecting Natal Plum (Carissa) Yardadori

    My parents are landscaping their front and intend to remove all of the shrubs that have been there for the last 40 years or so. They have several large Natal Plums I would love to try to save, but I haven't been able to find much information on the species as bonsai. They are shaped as waist...
  14. C

    Newly collected Oak

    Good Evening! I just wanted to share this new Oak! I got this from a family members property that has three different oak species, as well as other trees. This oak was carefully dug out of the ground and placed into a fairly large training box. I really like the way the trunk bends on it. the...
  15. R

    Norway Maple Yardadori

    Seeking suggestions for my Norway Maple “foot” Yardadori. Zone 6b. Collected late summer 2020 clearing out the side yard. Should I wire these down or just let it grow? What do I do with the multiple buds coming off the stump and new branches. Future plan is to carve/hollow out the stump...
  16. S

    Can I Bring This Olive Back From the Dead?

    Hi bonsai lovers, There’s a huge olive stump/growth at the base of a tree at work. I’ve never seen it with foliage and I’m wondering if it’s even alive. I’ve dug down a bit and found some old roots but there’s some rot on the trunk. Would it be possible to dig it up, saw it off, and get it to...
  17. bonsaianak

    Sidewalk Yardadori Junipers

    I was out on a drive and happened to catch a glimpse of these two junipers. From first glance I am guessing they are juniperus torulosa since there are other hollywood junipers planted nearby. The two trees are planted about 6 feet from each other and are surrounded by dead trunks of previous...
  18. bonsaianak

    Sidewalk Yamadori Junipers

    I was out on a drive and happened to catch a glimpse of these two junipers. From first glance I am guessing they are juniperus torulosa since there are other hollywood junipers planted nearby. The two trees are planted about 6 feet from each other and are surrounded by dead trunks of previous...
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    Live oak from the top
  20. IMG_20190223_163205.jpg


    From my yard as seedling. 2 years in small pot. Repotted into bigger pot and some movement added.
  21. Sn0W

    Monster Forsythia

    I was given the opportunity to dig this Forsythia from a garden that was being landscaped and they were tossing everything out. A lot of the stuff had been chucked already but this was left til last because it was such a monster. It was about 8 - 9ft high before I chopped it down. Thinking i may...
  22. petegreg

    11th floor Lonicera & Yew...

    ...from my mother's garden. Yesterday I went to visit my mom and pick up the first half of trees from their winter quartets. ...and decided to dig two trees I've been playing with for some three years. The first one is lonicera, for a clump style. I found this tree some three years ago when...
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