
  1. Ja_De

    Against The Odds

    Recently broached on this forum was the topic of how countless trees that didn't "make it" is a fact easily dismissed when appreciating the gnarled, weathered beauty of a tree that serves to inspire the bonsai enthusiast. Such trees are veritable living monuments, testaments to perseverance. I...
  2. Barbells and bonsai

    Upright bald cypress leader selection

    Looking for advice on carving for an upright style bald cypress/leader branch selection. It seems all other potential leaders are removed besides the main but I’d like to make sure before doing so. I’ve also heard the leader should be roughly 1/3 the diameter of the trunk and straight. My...
  3. J-dub

    First week of bonsai

    Just finally started learning about Bonsai this week ordered myself a 8 inch ficus from Brussels through Amazon, excited to style it when it comes, as it will be my first time. Also dug up what I found out later was referred to as yamadori, it was a random unknown shrub species out of the yard...
  4. Barbells and bonsai

    BC 1

    My first Bald Cypress/yamadori. This will be a progressional thread starting with collection.
  5. Barbells and bonsai

    Yamadori line up

    One good part of the cold snap was the chance to take a photo of the BC’s I’ve collected this season with a better backdrop.
  6. Barbells and bonsai

    BC 6

    Smaller than my usual but has a cool hollow trunk that can be seen from both sides. Normally I stump cut them but this tree is for my brother (is his 1st bonsai) so letting him make the styling calls and he wants to leave it alone.
  7. Barbells and bonsai

    BC 5

    This was in clay/shell and hard to dig but reminds me of a mini “twister”. I usually choose trees with pronounced knees but this one only has a couple small ones growing off flutes.
  8. Barbells and bonsai

    BC 3

    Planning to cut about a foot off the top. Will post updates
  9. B

    Collection Places Near Yosemite

    Hello! I have a trip coming up where I’ll be flying into Fresno and driving into Yosemite. I would really like to collect a smaller tree or two, but realize it’s absolutely illegal in Yosemite. Is anyone aware of a good location between Fresno and Yosemite where I could collect a couple trees...
  10. Desert O'Piñon

    Determining health before collection

    I'm sure there is plenty of information available, but maybe I don't know how to find it. Or maybe the answers are so obvious that people assume they don't need to be mentioned. But I've been known to greatly overthink things, so I'll ask anyway. What are some indicators that a tree may not be...
  11. Desert O'Piñon

    Big Tooth Maple (Acer grandidentatum)

    This tree is the first I've acquired from another bonsai enthusiast. This was collected in Utah by @Captkingdom. Many thanks for your help and advice! No immediate plan for "Captain Maple" yet. I definitely like the two trunks. You can see how he captured plenty of finer roots. One option...
  12. Barbells and bonsai

    Stubborn buttonwood

    As I’ve shown in my olive tree styling post, dainty trees are not my thing. My hands are too busted up to do the delicate work required so my main focus has been BC. Earlier this year I got into buttonwoods and have been doing well in keeping them healthy besides 1. My process after collection...
  13. G

    Post Oak (Quercus stellata) Yamadori - Middle Tennessee

    Hello All, In winter of 2023 I discovered this post oak growing on a steep incline at an old family farm. For context, the substrate is called chert and the family used to sell it by the dump truck load to the city to use for road bedding back in the 70s. The picture of the dormant tree was...
  14. BenBSeattle

    ISO of Collected Cedar Thuja

    Looking for Collected Eastern White Cedar, Red, Alaskan. Not nursery stock but something with age dead wood and movement. Let me know if you can and would be shipping to the Seattle area. Ben
  15. Barbells and bonsai

    Will it survive and is it worth digging? Bougainvillea post hurricane Milton

    Has kind of a cool lean and some girth but the guys repairing the fence weren’t thinking pre bonsai when clearing the bulk of it out of their way. Thoughts?
  16. jesse3489

    Hornbeam yamadori

    I collected some hornbeams because they were going to be bulldozed in lieu of the hurricane that wiped out most of the land here in wnc. If anyone has any tips to make sure my trees make it through the winter or the projected probability of success that would be nice. I have John Geneangle on...
  17. B

    Collected neglected maple (vine maple?)

    Our landscaper dug up this very neglected maple when clearing our front yard for our landscaping project. I wasn't quite sure what to do with it or if it would even survive, but I pruned the partially sheared roots as best I could and put it in 100% pumice and a grow bag I had lying around. I'm...
  18. I_I_am_not_a_cat

    Yamadori Limber Pine

    I collected this Limber Pine in mid November of 2023 and have been pleasantly surprised with how it has handled removal and being put into a box so far. In June I decided to remove some branches in order to help control some reverse taper. I have a tendency to make rash decisions so I...
  19. Fi5ch

    47 year old collected juniper

    On 8/23 I went by a house that will be demolished next week and paid $20 to dig out this juniper. I'm pretty sure it is an ERC/Juniperus Virginian, and likely ~47 years old as the house was built in 1977. I know that ERC gets a lot of grief as bonsai, but the 5" twisted trunks and tons of...
  20. P

    Help with propagating bushes and root suckers

    Hello, so I've scouted for good plants to propagate and I seem to have found a juniper and a rosemary. Attached are the places I'm considering air layering, do they seem alright? On another note, I've found a lot of alright looking olives but the issue is they are all growing from an existing...
  21. P

    Getting first bonsai/yamadori and general questions

    So I've been interested in bonsai for a while and got a seed kit as a gift. As I imagine you all know, it's slow and inconsistent way. As such I've decided to obtain a grown tree. I have a family member with a farm house and there's a few species there that might work so I'm looking for advice...
  22. Coach_

    Yaupon Holly Yamadaori

    A lady on FB market place was giving these away after digging them up in her yard. They had been dug out for a full day with almost no feeder roots left over. Got them home, wired em into these big pits and filled it with tons of perlite, my inorganic mix and a little bit of coco coir. I...
  23. 80615

    Birch - pruning dead branches immediately after collecting?

    Hi, just this week I collected a birch tree from the wild and placed it in a wooden box. I kept the rootball moist and placed it in a mix that is mostly made up of pumice with 15% bark. Due to my current living situation it only gets a around 4 hours of direct sunlight in the afternoon, but this...
  24. 99 Mile Creek

    Collected American Beech Aftercare

    I’ve come across a few threads on American beech yamadori. I felt I would be able to give it a try with one from my property. This one came from an area in the side of a mountain that is actively being cut down to allow more sunlight through to the ground floor for growth(part of my...
  25. Dystopik

    Help with newly collected Mugo Pine

    Hello all! Last week I have collected this rather young Mugo pine from a crumbling clay ravine. Unfortunately after I started digging it I realised that has 2 tap roots going straight down, which left me with a rather small rootball. Also the roots came out with absolutely no soil on them...
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