
  1. M

    Newly acquired Virginia Pine

    Hello! Long time reader, first time poster. I’ve been a bonsai hobbyist for about 3 years now. I’ve been scouring the internet for information along the way. Thank you to everyone on here for making this site a great resource. Enough about me, more about trees and bonsai. I acquired this 3...
  2. Juniperus Virginiana Literati Bunjin

    Juniperus Virginiana Literati Bunjin

    Eastern Redcedar Literati 45 cm tall
  3. Dead ERC Inspiration Limb

    Dead ERC Inspiration Limb

    Dead ERC in Big Ridge State Park. Shows the tree limb protrusions after the bark has been stripped.
  4. Matt Jones

    My First Bonsai (Father's Day 2018) - Eastern Red Cedar - Comments?

    Hi all, For Father's Day, everyone left me alone (just the way I like it!) so I thought I would try a first bonsai. This is my first post here, so I hope the pix come out ok. Yes, yes, I know that some here really don't like Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) as a bonsai. Nonetheless...
  5. Baby Live Oak

    Baby Live Oak

    Collected last week, no shovel needed. eBay age 20 years.
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