
  1. D

    Very sick - maybe dead? P. Afra

    Hi all- I am new here and I am in some desperate need of help! I saved this poor P. Afra from a coworker who was going to toss him. He has been getting new growth for it to only die off a bit later. In all my researching I haven’t found anything that looks like him since he has pretty much no...
  2. F

    How To Properly care for a Japanese Maple Bonsai in the winter?

    Hello this is my first post and my first Bonsai. I was gifted this "Kryptonite Japanese Maple" as a secret Santa gift. I have always wanted a Bonsai but never learned how to care for them so I never bought one. I have bought 2 books on bonsai care and I have been watching videos and reading...
  3. M

    I need urgent help to save a maple.

    I have this green Japanese maple tree that I don't know its species. It has lost almost 90% of its leaves. When I got it, it looked sick and many of its leaves had dried up, and it was in a room with a split air conditioner that was on during the day and off at night, and the room temperature...
  4. S

    Should I get this for $80 (altogether with shipping)

  5. D

    My hornbeam bonsai has scorched in 3 days of sun

    Hi everyone. Seeking urgent advice. I accidentally left my hornbeam bonsai out in direct sunlight (in 24c heat) for 3 days, without a drop of water. I came back from a long weekend to a very poorly scorched little bonsai. The leaves have yellowed and gone all crispy dry. See the photo...
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