ulmus parvifolia

  1. A

    Why the incredible range of advice on U. parv stratification?

    I'm relatively new to bonsai (about 1 year), and am left puzzled by the range of advice on whether and how long to stratify Chinese elm seeds. I was recently sent a free packet of Chinese elm seeds with a pot I ordered from a local bonsai supply company (only place I could find an appropriate...
  2. W

    Can a nutrient deficient appear spontaneously (Chinese Elm)

    Hi About a week or two ago I posted a thread regarding what I thought at the time was a form of fungal infection or pest on my Chinese elm, and a few kind people replied, with the majority of them deeming it to be a nutrient deficiency (mainly N). Initially this seemed like a reasonable...
  3. Hartinez

    Ulmus Parvifolia ‘corticosa’

    Picked this tree up August 2020 from Evergreen gardenworks as a bday present to….myself. I also purchased a seijen and a Yatsubusa. My aggressive repot killed the seijen, but the Yatsubusa and this Corricosa are in great health and progressing right along. In spring 2021 The Yatsubusa I cut...
  4. C

    New Chinese Elm - verifying info & seeking advice

    'Tis I again, emerging from my strange little corner of the Tiny Forest to pester y'all wonderful Nuts with some questions & pictures. I recently ordered a beautiful Chinese Elm (Ulmus Parvifolia, specifically) from Kawa No Oka Bonsai to finally fill in the Chinese Elm-shaped hole in my...
  5. Julio-Rufo

    Ulmus parvifolia - Cork Bark - progression

    This Ulmus was purchased last winter and looked like this: During the last year it was pruned (the top) and pretty much left alone (water and feed). It is quite a strong tree and sprouted all over. after leaves dropped: Today after some light cleaning and minor wiring: It will be...
  6. Chinese Elm 02.jpg

    Chinese Elm 02.jpg

    Drastic pruning to open up the branches and get rid of the matted birds nest. Also took about 3 feet of rope like roots off and re-potted. New growth starting to come. 1st March 2020
  7. Chinese Elm 01.jpg

    Chinese Elm 01.jpg

    Chinese Elm begging for a re-potting. Bought January 2020
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