
  1. pandacular

    TinyRoots Propagation Trays

    I was looking to pick up some Anderson flats for this coming repot season, and was wondering if anyone had tried the TinyRoots Propagation Flats. They’re pretty similar to Anderson flats but with slightly different dimensions and a different mesh. Priced a little bit higher, but if they’re less...
  2. bonsguy

    Seeking Advice: TinyRoots Bonsai Tools Kit

    I am looking to buy a Bonsai tool kit for a beginner. I am overwhelmed by choice. Does anyone have suggestions? I was looking at a 5 piece TinyRoots Bonsai Tools Kit to start: https://www.amazon.com/BonsaiOutlet-Tinyroots-Piece-Carbon-Pruning/dp/B077D2CJ8L#customerReviews. The tools are carbon...
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