sweet gum

  1. Ja_De

    Sweetgum Info Wanted

    Hello all. Came upon this sweetgum tree walking through the neighborhood. 3.5 Heigh, Triple trunk, main trunk about 2.5 inch diameter. It's growing at the base of a mature maple and I wonder what the roots will be like. I've read late spring early summer is the best time to collect/...
  2. Sweet gum multi-trunk

    Sweet gum multi-trunk

  3. Apex37

    American Sweetgum Forest

    This is my first ever forest planting. I ordered these off eBay and was worried because it took 8 days to arrive. They came to me bare-rooted wrapped in damp paper towels in plastic bags. Surprisingly all were still moist and all of them just pushing buds. This is certainly my last repot of the...
  4. thomas22

    New Field Maple

    I picked up this Maple Friday at a Nursery Sale for $45. This will be my first real maple (besides a stick in a pot maple) so I am looking for some advise. I've done some research and believe this is a field Maple, Acer Campestre and was pleased to see they can make good bonsai. My first...
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