sick tree

  1. D

    Very sick - maybe dead? P. Afra

    Hi all- I am new here and I am in some desperate need of help! I saved this poor P. Afra from a coworker who was going to toss him. He has been getting new growth for it to only die off a bit later. In all my researching I haven’t found anything that looks like him since he has pretty much no...
  2. ashintz2

    Need help identifying a 25+ year old "tree"

    Pictures of the "tree" in question attached. Backstory: A good friend of mine planted this as a seedling for a Mother's Day project in kindergarten, about 29 years ago. His mom told me that it was re-potted once about 20 years ago...since then it has remained in the pot it is pictured in and...
  3. Palmatum

    Acer Palmatum leaves curling, possible infection?

    I have a green leaf Japanese maple (my first bonsai) whose leaves have been curling. I originally thought it was underwatering, but I'm now afraid it might be an infection. Could it be an infection? :( Timeline: - Mid-December - Bought plant. Watering schedule is once a week, in partial sun. -...
  4. JuniperMasterRace

    HELP Ginkgo Biloba Yellowing early

    Hello bonsai friends I have a large Ginkgo Biloba tree that is turning its colors earlier than it should. It receives full sun and I reside in Southern California near the ocean. I fertilized lightly this season with liquid nutrition and I have an automatic watering system set up to water once...
  5. M

    Yellowing trunk on maple

    I repotted my maple around the start of spring and reduced roots (quite a bit, say to 50%), but not the foliage. I have recently noticed a yellowing of the trunk, and the leaves have distinctly darker green veins on a lot of the leaves. Is this Chlorosis? or simply stress on the roots? I also...
  6. Scrogdor

    Starter Trident Maple not looking so good: Help!!!

    How's it going everyone, I'm new to bonsai and having some trouble with my first one :(. I picked up a starter trident maple that came in a tiny tiny plastic pot about two weeks ago. I repotted it, teased the roots out gently, filled with bonsai soil and put it on my balcony which receives 6-8...
  7. M

    Please help me save my dying Bougainvillea

    Hello all, My poor bougie is very sick I brought it inside for the winter and put it in a grow tent with all of my other tropical trees. I think I overwatered it or something, cause after about a month inside she started to go south hard. I tried to not water it as much and things just got...
  8. J

    Hawaiian Umbrella Bonsai with Black Spotted Trunk? (And bugs!)

    Hello again all. A week or so ago I decided to purchase a Hawaiian Umbrella bonsai via amazon, through Brussel's Bonsai. The reviews were mixed, and some had mentioned seeing bugs on their plants. (I only read them after I'd purchased, unfortunately) Mine was delivered today, and I decided to...
  9. E

    Can Someone Help My Dying Ficus

    Hello, My Ficus bonsai tree (not sure what exact species) has been on the downward spiral since 5 months ago, when I gave it quite a significant prune. I began to notice it loosing more leaves than usual and no new growth developing, usually the prune would bring on lots of new growth, even at...
  10. S

    New to Campeche Trees

    Hi everyone I have a question about a tree I was given. I was giving a Campeche tree about a month ago and it was doing fine for about a week and all of a sudden the leaves started changing dying off... A couple of weeks later all of its leaves have dropped so I was wondering if this is normal...
  11. skyrat

    Sick Ficus

    Hello, I'm new to this forum, but have been casually growing bonsai since around 2001. I have a ficus (I think it's a benjamina) that I've had probably for at least 14 or 15 years. It began struggling the last 2 years but mainly seemed to do poorly when it was indoors over the winter, and then...
  12. oliviad


    Hi there! So to preface, I'm Olivia. I'm 24, and after my dad passed away, I kind of took over taking care of his trees with my mom. It's been seven years and although we have the help of some of his friends from the bonsai world, we still get a little stumped and stuck in the mud from time to...
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