
  1. A

    Why the incredible range of advice on U. parv stratification?

    I'm relatively new to bonsai (about 1 year), and am left puzzled by the range of advice on whether and how long to stratify Chinese elm seeds. I was recently sent a free packet of Chinese elm seeds with a pot I ordered from a local bonsai supply company (only place I could find an appropriate...
  2. swamp_lantern

    How to start pomegranate from seed?

    Hey everybody! My grandmother had a pomegranate tree (unsure of what cultivar) that dropped a lot of fruit this season. She suddenly passed a week ago and I decided to collect a pomegranate that had dropped 3 months ago so that I could make some bonsais to remember her. Last night I processed...
  3. P

    Cold stratification

    Hello all I have a question regarding cold stratification in the fridge. The guide I had with my seeds state I should leave them in the fridge for 4-6 weeks. I have also seen in a video and read somewhere online that you should wait for them to sprout in the fridge? Is this correct? I would...
  4. P

    Cold stratification

    Hello all I have a question regarding cold stratification in the fridge. The guide I had with my seeds state I should leave them in the fridge for 4-6 weeks. I have also seen in a video and read somewhere online that you should wait for them to sprout in the fridge? Is this correct? I would...
  5. glass_shark

    Question about some chinese elm seeds

    Hello all, I have been venturing into seed starting, and i've had some luck! a seed has sprouted. for context, these are chinese elm seeds, i have put them in a pot around november, and they have been outside in the cold as if they were "in the wild" and now im seeing a sprout or two. the...
  6. Sammy V

    Intro.. this hobby escalated quickly!

    Hi everyone! I'm technically not new, I had a Juniper in college and promptly killed it.. or it may have gone dormant for the winter, and I thought it died. :confused: Just got back into it full force, after passing a roadside bonsai stand 150 times over the last 2 years. It's a 3 year old...
  7. Ininaatigoons

    Maple Seeds

    How long does it take for an A.P. cultivar graft to produce seeds? I have only had mine for a couple years. The oldest is on it's 3rd year and still no seeds. Eventually I will take cuttings and airlayer, but they have many years before that.
  8. Kane_

    Pine seed stratification

    Hello 👋 I collected some pine seeds when on holiday in Turkey (not sure exactly what kind of pine) I had a quick look online on stratification but found quite a range of answers on stratification times (if required at all for a tree native to warm climate)? Just wondering if any one has any...
  9. Mr.Dr.K

    Germinating Japanese Cherry Blossom

    My girlfriend saw some photos of Japanese Cherry Blossoms' and she decided to purchase some seeds for me to sow, as she knows that I'm newly-fascinated with Bonsai. To Combat Mold, I soaked half the seeds in a bleach/water solution and the other half in a Hydrogen Peroxide solution for 10...
  10. cornfed

    The Woody Plant Seed Manual 2008

    Very specific information on how to germinate the seeds of various species.
  11. C

    Japanese Black Pine Seeds

    I'm not super picky about the cultivar (or parent cultivar, rather), but am looking for some Japanese black pine seeds. Ideally I would just buy a pinecone, but am open to loose seeds too.
  12. JuniperSol

    Brazilian Rain Trees - Growing Seeds

    I recently ordered some Brazilian rain trees (10 seeds) and wanted some advice on a couple of things. I mainly ask because I have had a hard time finding information (the seller sends info but I would like to get info ahead of time to prepare). 1) Soil. I have read a mix of things, such as using...
  13. Clicio

    A tale of a pack of Caribbean Tamarind seeds and why this site rocks.

    This story starts when the 6 years JBP contest was launched. I couldn't get any seeds from here, complained like a child, and so I got a very kind offer from @Anthony . He would send me a pack of pine seeds from Trinidad. Being absolutely shameless, I asked for some Tamarindus Indica seeds also...
  14. armetisius


    Hopefully these will help others for next year: Seeds of Woody Plants in the United States click link then scroll down; beside the pdf listing, right click and "save link as" to download the pdf format of the book. The Woody Plant...
  15. Clicio

    Please show me a Jacaranda or a Delonix (Royal Poinciana) bonsai that has not been photoshopped?

    I keep wondering WHY those vendors are pushing both species as bonsai kits. Yes, the seeds are easy to sprout in warm weather. No, they will not flower so easily in pots. Googling "Jacaranda Mimosifolia bonsai" we find many pictures of wisteria bonsai labeled as Jacaranda; they are not the same...
  16. M

    Tips for winter growth?

    Hi everyone! Writing from England, I’m starting my first seed growth this week, giving them a fake winter for two months and hopefully have some shoots in July. I am just looking for some tips and support for helping young seedlings through the coming winter, how to best care for them and grow...
  17. rollwithak

    Seed Starting: Success Stories, Problems, Ect.

    Hi All, I tried to look for a similar thread and couldn’t find! I have started my indoor seed starter operation and am just looking to have a place where we can share tips/tricks, what’s worked for people and what hasn’t. Perhaps find some common issues that are easily avoided. I have been...
  18. ConorDash

    Repotting seedlings

    Hello, I have 5 Wisteria seedlings, coming up to 2 years old now, they have just started showing signs of growth this year (always little anxious to see that first growth, my first seeds). They are currently planted in good size containers but garden soil, heavy organic nursery soil. I...
  19. N

    Serissa Seeds, where to get hem from ?

    Hi, I am looking for a source to get Serissa foetida seeds from, does anyone know ? Ty
  20. ConorDash

    Next steps for Wisteria seedlings

    Hello, These are some seeds I’ve grown this season. I actually grew a good few last year and they grew well till about this stage then all died. I did nothing.. then this year started and 4 have grown to this! From.. what I thought was dead. Quite amazed but I’d really love to keep them alive...
  21. K

    First time planting seeds, some pics and questions inside

    So I ordered some seeds online and a mini green house to put in front of my window. Very curious to see if they will germinate, especially since only 8/60 seeds that I planted sunk to the bottom in their 24 hour soaking period. Maybe they didnt sunk because they were poor quality? Not sure how...
  22. ohiogrown

    Seeds, Lighting and Heat Mats.

    Hello, I bought about 30 different kinds of seeds that I plan to start this spring. I’m trying to plan for it and so far I have seed trays and jiffy seed starting mix. My next expenses are going to be some sort of lighting and heat mats. Does anyone have any experience with this? Is that what I...
  23. milehigh_7

    Article Dr. Norman Deno: 2nd Supplement to Seed Germination Theory and Practice 2018-01-02

    The Second Edition of Seed Germination Theory and Practice and the First and Second Supplements provide data on the germination of about five thousand species. These data provide a basis for either exactly knowing the germination pattern or for making a reasonable prediction of the germination...
  24. milehigh_7

    Article Dr. Norman Deno: 1st Supplement to Seed Germination Theory and Practice 2018-01-01

    I INTRODUCTION This is the First Supplement to the Second Edition of Seed Germination Theory and Practice. Contained herein are data on 40 new families, 518 new genera, 1117 new species, and updates of earlier work on 282 species. In general, the principles and germination patterns presented in...
  25. milehigh_7

    Article Seed Germination Theory and Practice -- Dr. Norman Deno 2nd Edition

    Dr. Norman Deno's book lists over 2500+ species and gives pretreatments if any to assist in the removal of delay mechanisms. EVERY SPECIES OF PLANT HAS ONE OR MORE MECHANISMS FOR DELAYING GERMINATION. UNTIL THE SEED IS DISPERSED (Chapters 5-12). This principle pervades every aspect of seed...
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