
  1. Y

    Japanese white pine (Pinus parviflora) seedlings advice.

    Hello! In the fall I went crazy buying and collecting different tree seeds for bonsais and to grow full size. I was at a nursery that had 3 large grafted JWP with pine cones on them. I did not know anything about the tree at the time (still very new to the hobby, and it's my first year growing...
  2. M

    Doug Fir Seedling progress

    Just wanted to share some progress of growing out Doug fir from seedlings. They don't seem to get a ton of love, but I've found them to be very robust growers(obviously Seattle is pretty conducive) easy back/budding, incredible root growth. I had a few different generations going which I just...
  3. E

    Pine Seedlings In Winter

    Hello all, I have some Rocky Mountain Pine (Pinus aristata) seedlings that I started in February and have been doing well so far. However, their needles have begun to change color, which I read is normal, but have begun to lose a couple needles of a yellow color and some needles have become...
  4. tranip

    Brown Needle tips on Austrian Pine Seedlings

    Hello all! I've been growing a few Austrian pines from seed inspired by the JBP contest. I've noticed a few of these seedlings have browning tips, some with resin on the browning tips. Any idea what this could be? From what I've seen online it seems like needle blight, but a second opinion...
  5. ForeverRaynning

    P. Halepensis/Allepo Pine seedling - closed cotyledon, pink or brown needle tips, should I be worried?

    Basically what the title says! Been growing this little one from seed for a month, when the seed first popped off the needles where flared out (see pic 1) however the next day they had moved into an upright position (see pic 2). I have been hardening off this seedling, however may have done so...
  6. czaczaja

    Help With Stunted Pine Seedlings

    There seems to be something seriously wrong with my pine seedlings. They have germinated around march and have 'grown' well until around August. They have made no visible progress since, they are potted in a well draining soil and get plenty of light. I have watched some of @Eric Schrader vids...
  7. czaczaja

    3D printed pruning pots

    Not sure if this belongs here or the Tea House. I've recently been playing with 3D printing some air pruning pots since I can't get my hands on any pond baskets. Gone through 2 iterations of prototypes. One pot takes 2h to print and is 65/65/65mm in size but I'm planning on printing bigger...
  8. czaczaja

    Sourcing material from forest

    Looking for peoples opinions on sourcing material from forest. Either by digging up seedlings or air layering mature trees. I live close to several forests and have an opportunity to get Oak, Ash, Pine, Maple, Yew and many other local species. I'm curious as to what people think of the 'ethics'...
  9. M

    Does pot shape matter?

    I have a 10 month old ficus benghalensis as well as a 10 month old ficus religiosa. I'm trying to work on developing their radial roots and wanted to know if the shape of the pot matters (round vs rectangular vs square)? I'm assuming round is best for developing even radial roots?
  10. Frogwithatree

    What species of pine are these?

    This May I got gifted a bunch of unlabeled pine seeds and I decided to germinate a couple of. After some growing, I'm still not sure what kind of pine they are, or even if they're the same species. Any idea?
  11. HashBob

    Helmet Head Solution?

    I started a few trees from seed a bit ago, and got one flame tree to sprout successfully. It's been about a week since it popped, but it hasn't managed to free itself from the shell. I've tried keeping it moist and gently picking at it a bit, but it's quite tough and I'm starting to worry. Any...
  12. S

    Japanese maples (cultivars?) from seed

    We often see posts asking about named cultivars grown from seed which promptly get replies (rightly) stating that cultivars can only be propagated asexually. Any seedling is the result of sexual propagation so has new combinations of genes and is therefore a completely new cultivar. As...
  13. J

    Blue Jacaranda Dieing! Any tips to maybe help recover it quickly?

    I recently re potted like five of these and they all passed :( this one lasted the longest but now seems to be going as well! Any tips to maybe recover it ? 3 months old?
  14. K

    Is my seedling dying?

    I have started using one of the bonsai starter kits and finally got one of the seeds to sprout last week. It was looking fine but now it has flopped over. It is still green but there is no way that it can stand on it’s own it is very thin. I have moved it into a brighter area of the house...
  15. J

    Seedlings, 4 weeks, Baby’s Jacaranda + Rocky Mountain Pine Advice! Appreciated!

    I’ve got these guys out of those grow your own kits from the store they seem to be doing great so far! Witch it good box says to thin the heard. Witch I will be doing cutting at the base level. I live in Florida it’s Aproaching summer so I’m winding how these types will fair in the HEAT, as well...
  16. D

    Bonsai Possibility? Best time to uproot?

    Hello! I've had a tough beginning to the year, which will result in me selling the house I've lived in for 35 years. There is a very old White Ash here that's monstrously tall, taller than my house, even! I'm looking for a way to take a piece with me. I'm afraid the next owner may cut it down...
  17. S

    JBP seedlings

    Spring down here so seedlings are growing. I decided it was time to pot on one batch of JBP today. Just letting others know how I do this in case anyone is interested. Tray of seedlings a couple of weeks old Roots I've learned over many years that cutting roots at this stage produces much...
  18. Mrs. O in the wild

    9 month old spruce - How am I doing?

    Hello, I am looking for confirmation that I remain on the right track after repotting my Norway Spruce. I have been giving him a few hours of fresh air (on the front porch by an open window) here and there. It has been unseasonably hot so I felt it may burn in the heat. How are we looking? I’ve...
  19. nekobes

    Purchasing a redwood/young redwood care

    Hi all, I'm quite new to this hobby and would like any advice or input anybody is willing to give me. In fact, as of now, I haven't styled, nor do I yet plan to style, any trees. For the time being, I'm only interested in growing young saplings to raise in the coming years, while reading up on...
  20. palafr01

    They come in all shapes and sizes. The Bonsai Nut seedling thread.

    Hey everyone since so many of us grow trees from seed here I thought it would cool idea if we had a thread where everyone could share their seedlings. Given the random nature of seed growing, every so often truly weird or unique individuals show up that are extra special so if you if have any...
  21. R

    Getting my second tree as a seedling, help me get setup for success?

    Hello all, please forgive me for the rambling. I'm not quite sure what info is most important, so I may share too much. I've long been interested in bonsai, and last year I picked up a 5ish y/o Fukien Tea that I've successfully managed to not kill so far. I've always been interested in cherry...
  22. Rivian

    Inb4 Bonsai Nut

    Tree Hazel already barking up Pain in the ass to germinate After many months inactivity, threw the seeds away THEN it sprouted from the trashpile the next year
  23. Y

    Black pine seedling fertilizer

    My seedlings just popped through two days ago. Was wondering when to start fertilizing these seedlings? I don’t want to burn them or kill them so I just need some advice in when seedlings start getting fertilizer
  24. cornfed

    The Woody Plant Seed Manual 2008

    Very specific information on how to germinate the seeds of various species.
  25. Z

    Maple identify

    Hello I have been lurking on the forum reading information for a while but never posted. Until I found these guys wondering if anyone can confirm what it is as the plaque on this park tree is blank (interesting foreign maples in canada area) from weathering..they were only 2 growing next to each...
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