scots pine

  1. Viggoman

    Collected Scotch Pine

    Recently collected Scotch Pine. I'll leave it to recover for now, but my mind is already thinking about future stylings, and where to take this one. Here is my idea for now: Any other ideas I should consider? I will keep this thread updated as the tree evolves
  2. M

    Pinus Sylvestris Trollguld

    My second pine of the day was a gold Scots Pine. The golden color and trunk movement sold me on it. I have tried to read as much as I could on scots pines and still have several questions. The tree is in a 3 gal nursery pot, the trunk is 2.25” at the base and the foliage is on the small side...
  3. T

    Sick scot’s pine?

    Picked up this scots pine from a local nursery in Massachusetts recently and I am worried it may have needle blight/cast. Though many needles look healthy others are turning brown and falling off. Some of the lower branches seem to be dying back completely. The tree is in dire need of repot...
  4. L

    Scots Pine Clump Suggestions?

    Hi all!! I’m just starting my bonsai journey after about 5 years of research and wishing I would be able to grow anything at all. I’ve finally decided to just suck it up and start. POINT IS: I’m starting several projects with the hope that I can learn from all as well as maybe not put all my...
  5. W

    Pinus Sylvestris care guide Version 2 2

    Updated version, I'm leaving version 1 online for historical reference. If you prefer a black and white printable version, please send me a PM or edit it yourself. Any feedback is appreciated, please send it to me in a PM so that we can discuss it further together. I do not plan on making a...
  6. W

    It's time

    Needles stopped extending ✓ New Buds are present ✓ Plants are healthy ✓ Needles have fully opened ✓ 3 more months before the fall temperature drop ✓ All of the above have a check mark, so the conditions are met. It doesn't matter where in the world you are, these are the things that matter. You...
  7. ohkthxbye

    Help me style this scots pine/pinus sylvestris

    Hey, I just bought one month ago this scots pine/pinus sylvestris, I already wired it. I would like to ask you if you can help me to style this tree and which branch to cut so I get rid of this wheel wagon shape (picture 1). The front of the tree (picture 2) - Should I decandle or is it too...
  8. TGBentsze

    Collected scots pine seedlings

    Hi guy, I've collected some 1yo scots pine seedling in the fall of 2023, they're now budding well, no yellowing what so ever, strong and not janky needles. I am thinking about planting some in soil, and leaving some in pots, for shohin/mame sized. When can i repot/plant out them, I want to...
  9. TGBentsze

    Pine from seeds

    Hi guys! I have a quick question, I recently harvested some Scot's pine seeds (in late january of 24), do they still need cold stratification? There were out in the frost and cold for at least 2 months.
  10. Carapace

    I've repotted my Scots pine seedling in early october. Is it a problem?

    Hi, I just got a small scots pine seedling and the soil it was in was very mucky and wet, so I bare-rooted it (I know it isn't supposed to be good but I didn't wash the roots so there still is some mycorrhiza on them) and planted it in good free-draining soil without cutting any roots except a...
  11. Scots pine 3

    Scots pine 3

    Scots pine
  12. Scots pine 2

    Scots pine 2

    Scots pine
  13. Scots pine 2

    Scots pine 2

    Scots pine
  14. W

    Tutorial Pinus sylvestris care cheat sheet / care guide 1.0

    A small guide to.. Guide people in the care of pinus sylvestris techniques. If you are missing something important that's not very obvious to a plant owner (I think water pH and watering are obvious, for instance) Please let me know in a PM so I can improve in version 2.
  15. P

    First time seed sewer- JBP advice?

    Does anyone have any advice for seed starting JBP and Scot's Pine? I've been cutting my teeth with nursery stock and with the nature of this addiction I either need to deepen my pockets or grow my own. I've got 10 acres of forested mountain terrain to grow on with just about any water condition...
  16. LeoMame

    Scots Pine new needles' issue - what could it be

    Hello Bonsai people, a quick question about scots pine needles discoloration. I'm having some (I'd say roughly 10%) new needles -from this year- which shows this discoloration. From the top and a peculiar 'twist' (see photo). I can't rule out anything, but the tree is well fert and watered, I...
  17. G

    Scot’s pine Jin help

    Hi all, when Is the right time to create jins on new Scot’s pine in training? Thanks just attached a photo of them after being dug up and will post pics of them after wiring and jins
  18. G

    When to create Jin on Scot’s pine England

    Hello all, I am new to working with pines and I have a Scot’s pine I want to create jins on the branches I won’t be using but I’m unsure on what time of year is best and if the tree will bleed out if I were to. I’m in England and it’s currently winter thanks sean
  19. G

    When to create jins on Scot’s pine uk

    Hi everyone, would like any help on when to create Jins on a Scot’s pine here in the uk. Currently in winter and I am not sure if creating Jin will allow sap to bleed out and kill my tree thanks sean
  20. parhamr

    Telperion Pinus sylvestris progression

    I thought I had a thread for this tree, but I guess I’ve only put it into the Tree Thread. Here we go! I scored a Telperion Scots Pine in 2017 for a song. It was in their bargain section, having been almost fully infected by needlecast (causing massive loss of interior buds and branches). This...
  21. L

    Lorax7 Scots Pine #1 progression

    Nursery stock I got a few years ago and transplanted into a training pot. Started an air layer this spring using moist sphagnum. Checked it this fall and there seems to be a little callus forming but no roots. Saw a post on Bnut that said Ryan Neil uses pure akadama with a top dressing of...
  22. J

    Designhelp with onesided Scots

    This was one of the pines I collected last year. It's in pretty good shape and has put up a lot of growth this year, but I'm struggeling on where to take it design wise. As you see on the pictues the front is very bare, and I feel it is very one sided, and i dont like the parallell branches...
  23. J

    Scots Pine styling advice

    I seek advice for styling of this yamadori collected last year. I will lower first branch on the left, but appreciate any other view and ideas. e
  24. S

    New Scots Pine has needles browning... need help pls

    Dear bonsai experts, I request some help! I bought this new Scots Pine bonsai from a seller in Chino, CA (Southern Cal) a few weeks ago as a gift to a dear friend who lives in San Francisco. Unfortunately, they kept the pine indoors (gasp!) for 2 weeks after receiving it (despite clear...
  25. lillarch

    30+ Year Old Pinus Silverstris “Beuvronensis” in 5 Gallon Pot

    I have a 30+ year old Scots Pine in a 5 gallon pot that has only received water and never left the pot. I would like to prune and shape it. I am wondering if there are any extra considerations I should have when pruning such an old, pot bound tree. Also, how much of the roots can I remove, say...
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