root bound

  1. Cria

    Too aggressive in root clearing while repotting?

    I repotted this nursery cypress I bought last week which was pretty root bound so I took my time detangling every root with my trusty chopstick to clear it out. Now a week later I've got some browning of some of the foliage and wondering if I was too aggressive. Or was I just poor in my timing...
  2. AnutterBonsai

    Bare rooting or repotting nursery azalea

    Good morning all. I did some major pruning, maybe three months ago, on two nursery azaleas im developing for bonsai. They have budded pack prolifically (on one more than the other) and have been growing healthy. There is currently an issue in which I have noticed they both are quite root-bound...
  3. R

    Ficus loosing its leaves

    I picked up this bonsai in May and it’s been doing good in my house but recently (last two weeks) it’s been dropping a lot of leaves and the branches are dry and brittle, there is some new growth and even some fruiting. The soil drys out quickly so I’m worried it’s root-bound. I’m in south...
  4. M

    Dogwood scrub

    Hello! I picked up this dogwood scrub at my local nursery for $2. It was growing roots out if the bottom of it's container and is my root bound. Am I okay to root prune it now in Oregon? I feel so bad for the little guy, he's trapped!! Any advice would be helpful. Thank you
  5. O

    Help!! Do I need to do something for my ficus?

    I was looking at my ficus today, when I noticed a new root that I had never noticed before. It's coming up from the soil and then going back down on the other side of the pot, see the picture. Is this a sign that my tree is becoming root bound? I repotted it Spring 2015, and was planning on...
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