
  1. Juniperus Virginiana penjing literati bunjin

    Juniperus Virginiana penjing literati bunjin

    Juniperus Virginiana (Eastern Red Cedar) penjing after some wiring Sept. 2023
  2. Red Maple bonsai in Florida

    Red Maple bonsai in Florida

    Leafed out recently March 2023
  3. Juniperus Virginiana Literati Bunjin

    Juniperus Virginiana Literati Bunjin

    Eastern Redcedar Literati 45 cm tall
  4. faker

    large red mites?

    This year I've seen tons of these large red mites on my trees, and I just wanted to come here and seek out some piece of mind. From what I could research on here, I'm hoping that they are beneficial predator mites but it seems like they could also be a clover mite? Anyone more experienced care...
  5. Bavarian Raven

    Dogwood - Bonsai - possibly :P

    So a little back story here. October I was started to get the Bonsai "hype". I found this naturally air layered dogwood branch at one of the commercial places I do work for. It came up well enough with a lot of good roots. Plus it has some interesting scars and shape IMHO. Next I found some...
  6. aframe

    Red Japanese Quince

    Left for dead nursery reject; over a year of TLC and an August repot; finally rewarded.
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