Hello fellow nuts!
A couple of weeks ago at the cottage in northern Ontario, I noticed a neighbour had a 5 gallon pail with a white pine growing out of it, and ended up being sent back home with it.
It turns out that it wasn’t just one tree, and we suspect it was originally a pine cone buried...
Hey guys, I just want to share that I collected this Pinus strobus, Eastern White Pine sapling with needles half the original length of the pine needles.
It started out as a seedling in leaf mold but in it's third or fourth year the roots ended up hitting the heavy clay soil underneath the leaf...
Collected by Alvaro in 2016 . Seemed to be vigorous pushing buds has a pot full of fine rootage , so we smashed it down , rootball will be looked at in the spring and ..........
Let it grow
It's been a while since I started anything from seed, and I'm on a bit of a pine kick so I started collecting for next year. So far I have ripe cones from what I believe to be:
Bosnian pine, Mugo, a glaucus Scot's pine, and a green Scot's pine.
I'm trying to stick with species that are easily...