pinus mugo

  1. M

    When and how do I find trunk base - pine nursery stocks

    Hi all- first time posting here. A novice on pines and bonsai in general and based in the north of England. I have several Scots and mugo pines trees from local nursery- 10-15 years old. The trunk base seemed to be buried in the pot but sure how deep. Is it safe to dig in a couple of inches...
  2. R

    Pinus mugo "Little Lady" 1 year update

    Just thought I'd put in an update on this tree, and made a new thread as the first one was mistakenly placed in the Junipers subsection. Here's how my Little Lady is doing: It's growing out a bit, though a hot month has browned the tips of a few needles. I've put the wires on to open it up...
  3. L

    Lorax7 Mugo Pine #3 progression

    I’ve had this little mugo for a couple of years now. I think I repotted it into this blue plastic container last year. Here it is in spring 2024:
  4. R

    Pinus mugo "Little Lady"

    I bought about three years ago from nursery stock when my daughter was born, and am hoping to pass this on to her when she gets older if she also develops a taste for bonsai. It probably needs some wiring now to get it into shape, but I'm happy with how the needle reduction and basic trunk...
  5. Ninecloud

    Mugo dev help

    Got a couple that have roots in this netted sac. Per Vance's suggested material, B&B mugo should be put in netted pot to leave alone but any idea when this should be done? Should I wait for summer for that? as most of the work with mugo seems to be in summer, just wondering if I can repot...
  6. Ferg91

    Silver birch/mugo pine stratification/germination

    Hello I had tried the Mugo pine and Silverbirch stratification and germination before unfortunately with 0% success I was wondering if anyone has had any success and getting these little buggers to germinate. All info would be much appreciated thank you very much
  7. palafr01

    Slowmound Mugo pine advice

    Palafr01 here and I'm back with another thread. This time I need some advice and guidance on this mugo pine (slow mound cultivar). Quick timeline so far: Sept/Oct 2020. purchased tree. Nov 2020. cut back to an existing branchlet at "apex" hoping it would gain strength. Branchlet...
  8. Apex37

    Nursery Mugo #1

    Got this mugo pine back last year around summer time at Lowe's. Earlier this year I was really considering if I even wanted to spend my time trying to bonsai this guy, but figured what the hell, gives me a chance to have more experience with pines. Did my first repot with it today. Mostly went...
  9. LunaticTree

    Collection of various Coniferes

    My English is not to good, but I will try my best! Last year I managed to collect some Austrian Black Pine Seedlings, as you can tell, some of them are a bit bigger and some are super tiny. All of them do pretty good and they all have good healthy roots so far. I am not sure yet where I will...
  10. FinnLakk

    Mungo Pine Direction.

    This will be my first post ever on this forum so apologies if I'm doing it wrong! Picked up this lovely bit of nursery stock today: 1/3 of a good root flare, not in an ideal place however. Back end does not seem to have many roots near the surface at all. I have managed to turn into this...
  11. vienna1201

    Pinus Mugo - way forward?

    Hi - this is my first Mugo yamadori I dug up last year and I think it's quite healthy. Come next repotting, I will pot it more straight up I guess. I thought about possible ways to go forward and wanted to ask for input (keep in mind I'm a greenhorn ;)). I'm also open to much more radical...
  12. Kanorin

    Paging Dr. Mugo

    Last week I got 2 free tickets to ride the mugo train due to the generosity of a local Bnut member who had to reduce some stock due to a move. Unfortunately, a couple of weeks before I got it, the larger of the two started to get brown needles - starting on the lowest branch, but starting to...
  13. palagaban

    A Rescued Mugo pine... found its home :)

    Last summer I found a mugo pine thrown in a corner lot here in my area. It was maybe used as a hedge and the owner might have dug and threw it, hoping that the trash collector would clean it. Luckily a bonsaist came to rescue it... :) I was so glad that it had a small rootball that was intact...
  14. P

    Pinus Mugo Tyrolean

    Hello everyone, I am new to bonsai and purchased my first tree earlier this month, the tree I purchased is a mugo. I grew up caring for plants and gardening, however this is my first attempt at growing a tree. I've always admired the artistic side of bonsai, allowing for the mixture of nature...
  15. Ac1dburn

    Mugo 'Varella': When to the first hard/formative pruning

    So, I have been reading and re-reading Vance Woods article/write-up on mugos, and I have a question, that, by my reading, is not directly addressed in this otherwise absolutely excellent piece. I bought two mugo-pines, nursery stock, of the variety 'Varella' (according to the nursery), last...
  16. António Caiado

    Pinus mugo pre bonsai

    I am a Portuguese newbie in the bonsai world. This is my new Pinus mugo pre bonsai. Any possible suggestions for where I should go from here would be most appreciated. Thank you all. António Caiado
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