
  1. ForeverRaynning

    Raynn’s Juniper Projects - Procumbens Nana & Pfitzeriana Aurea

    This will be a progression/diary thread for my two Junipers. I bought these off of ebay for what I would say is a decent enoigh price (£9.50/$12.15 each) in P9 pots - if you think its not a good deal, politely keep quiet about it, it’s the best I could do and seemed reasonable to me so I’m happy...
  2. Carapace

    Can I repot this in autumn

    Hi guys, I have a tiny twin trunk pfitz juniper and I was wondering if I can repot it in autumn, it is currently in it's garden center soil and so I might need to cut off quite a good amount of roots
  3. FilipMerynos

    J. Pfitzer, tips on growing tips, autumn

    Hi guys, I’d like to ask you what is that on the end of growing tips on my juniper? I mean those little „bulbs”(?). Will they be new growing tips in the next season or fruits or sth else? Thanks! Filip
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