
  1. fviljoen963

    Roadside elm..

    It was growing way more upright and had burnt back a few times The plan is for a semi cascade and a very hollow spooky looking trunk. I havent quite figured out the details yet.. I'm open minded to suggestions unless you're going to suggest I make it into a sumo shohin HAHAHA Oh and the tree...
  2. dirk hoorelbeke

    Ulmus parvifolia from cutting (2006-...)

    I took a cutting from my first mallsai tree. I think i made the cutting in 2006 and put it in the ground in 2007. Both winters the top of the tree froze off, so i potted it in 2009. It grew so i was happy. 2010 The top section died. 2011 Lets try again July 2011 Start of 2012 September 2012...
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