overwintering bonsai

  1. arctic107

    First winter for my 2 satsuki azalea

    This is my first winter owning these two satsuki azalea. The larger one being a 35-year old tree and the smaller one being of an unknown age. Some of you may be aware that I built an enclosure for my bonsai trees with removable panels that have burlap wrapped around them to overwintee my bonsai...
  2. Deep Sea Diver

    Overwintering bonsai – Theory, Planning and Case Studies Azalea Focus v1.01

    Greetings! Winter is approaching and this resource is all about wintering over bonsai! The theory, planning and case studies within the guide are applicable to all temperate bonsai. While azaleas are used as the primary focus in some parts of the overwintering section. If you, as a bonsai...
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