olea europaea

  1. Rivka

    Olea europaea care after total leaf loss & fresh growth?

    I have a chunky shohin olive with only the beginnings of primary branching but a great root system. Sadly it got it’s leaves desiccated by some early winter dry wind and ended up dropping them all. I made the choice to make it a little greenhouse set up indoors near a bright cold window for the...
  2. P

    Getting first bonsai/yamadori and general questions

    So I've been interested in bonsai for a while and got a seed kit as a gift. As I imagine you all know, it's slow and inconsistent way. As such I've decided to obtain a grown tree. I have a family member with a farm house and there's a few species there that might work so I'm looking for advice...
  3. G

    First Olive Bonsai - Olea Europaea Sylvestris

    Here's my first olive bonsai tree. I bought this yamadori tree from a bonsai garden and crafted in a training course. What are your thoughts?
  4. rollwithak

    Olea - Olive - Advice/Guidance

    Hey All. Local bonsai club tipped us off to some nice 2 inch Olives at a local nursery. After going through the stock in 103 degree temps, this is the shrub I went with. That being said, I know this isn’t a perfect specimen and many of you would pass or not waste your time. Looking for some...
  5. Sn0W

    Nursery Olea Europaea

    I picked up this Olive from a local nursery, has a pretty cool twin trunk thinking I'll plant it out to thicken it up a bit over a couple of years then I should have a really nice tree.
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