
  1. J

    White Growth in soil of my Plants Safe or Unsafe Any Advice?

    Could it be minerals from the water I’m using I am using bottled water to water my plants. I don’t know if that makes a difference but it’s forming little white balls in the soil on all of my plants. Any tips or advice? And I do not know what the one with the flowers is called if anyone does...
  2. Rivian

    Trident nutrient deficiency?

    I have a tree (~4m) that was dug up in spring and I guess barerooted and put into coco fiber/ gravel mix and then sent to me. I had no place to plant it yet so its still in that pot. Seems like an ok potting medium and I found some healthy roots when I dug into the pot. I threw some fertilizer...
  3. ekim046

    Azalea Bonsai Experiment - Measuring Precise Nutrient Levels & Garden Update

    Hey folks, Just wanted to share my thoughts on measuring nutrients and applied some ideas from Hydroponics growers <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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