new tree

  1. Astrobonsai

    New CH Elm Exposed Roots

    I have been growing bonsai for about five years now and feel comfortable with many different designs in a variety of trees. That being said, I recently got this Chinese Elm and I am not sure if the root situation will allow me to grow proper nebari in the future. This is my 5th CH Elm and until...
  2. T

    Japanese Maple in Minnesota Winter (USDA Zone 4a)

    I received a Japanese Maple (Mikawa Yatsubusa) as a gift. The tree is young and still in a nursery pot. I'm thinking ahead to what to do over the winter. I'm in zone 4a. I do have an attached, unheated garage and wondering when is the best time for me to move it into the garage? Do I wait...
  3. D

    Bonsai Possibility? Best time to uproot?

    Hello! I've had a tough beginning to the year, which will result in me selling the house I've lived in for 35 years. There is a very old White Ash here that's monstrously tall, taller than my house, even! I'm looking for a way to take a piece with me. I'm afraid the next owner may cut it down...
  4. JuniperSol

    Recently Styled my Juniper, thoughts and advice? I'm still learning

    Today I purchased a Juniper from a local nursery garden and fell in love with its movement. After some pretty hard pruning and a bit of wiring, I managed to get this unique shape and movement. Some Redditors have recommended that I prune it back more, which I agree with but am unsure as to how...
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