Hello my name is Jeff I'm new to the forum and I'm new to Bonsai so any knowledge or help is much appreciated. So me & the wife just got a "Ficus two small" tree and we're wanting to know the basics and how to care for it shape it etc. I believe the grower I bought it from said it was around 4...
Hey all! I haven't bought my own tree yet but planing on doing that in a couple of weeks. I was thinking on a Cuban laurel for my first tree. And I was curious on what I should aspect (in the hobby and the tree itself) also planning on growing a white pine from seed that I found in my yard. By...
Hello everybody. I'm new to bonsai; as of right now I only have a pre-bonsai (zanthoxylum simulans) that I'm growing until its trunk is more satisfying and some ficus benjamina cuttings that I'm propagating for bonsai purposes. The ficus will probably suffer some mangling, but I have virtually...
I'm hoping to get some detailed input on how to acclimate a new-to-me Shimpaku that I received as a gift. I'm an absolute noob to bonsai (avid plant lover though) and this is a beautiful tree that I really want to see thrive. I've been on the fence about when to get started and wouldn't have...
I've got this juniper that I plan to grow larger this coming spring and would love some ideas for shaping. It seems pretty set up as a windswept, but I would like more movement in there somehow. My SO suggested a cascade, but I don't really want to go that direction. Maybe something will jump...
Recently bought this lavender star a couple months ago and so far so good. It was starting to bud up alot more than when I first got it so I thought I was taking care of it well. But when the buds started flowering they only flower 1 at a time and by the time the next one flowers it will close...
Hello everyone,
I've been interested in growing bonsai for years now and just found this forum which seems to have a lot of passionate members.
Living in an apartment, with no good sunlight, I haven't really had the opportunity to start yet, but after visiting a friend of mine and randomly...
Hello everyone!
I know that one of the biggest beginner mistakes is over styling trees. So I haven’t styled too much yet, but from what I have done, I don’t think I’m doing it the “correct” way. But I’m ok with that. I’m trying to follow the rules, but for the most part I’m just trimming and...
So I am very new to bonsai I understand how to cut deciduous tree but conifer or pine I’m kind of lost.
mod I need to take it in stages? I have a tree that, if it was straight would be 3 feet tall. I think. It’s about a inch and a half in diameter. But I want to shorten it a lot obviously. I’ll...
Hello everyone I’m new to bonsai and would love some suggestions. Most of you (if not all) have more experience with this amazing art than I do so any input would be appreciated!
I found this cryptomeria japonica ‘elegans’ at a local nursery here in Covington, Washington State. I don’t know if...
First post, figured this place would be a valuable resource to learn and grow as I take on the hobby. I love forums as they always provide so much information and support. I've always been fascinated by plants and have always loved carrying for them. My mother-in-law was a HUGE green thumb, I...
Hi everyone!
Happy New Year to you all.
I have been on the forum for a little while, picking up lots of really good information and decided I better finally introduce myself!
I have been doing bonsai for several years now, starting with mallsai and sticks in pots and trying to improve my...
im new to Bonsai and this forum seemed a good place to start my learning curve. I live in the uk to give you an idea of what climate I’m in.
I have wanted to get into Bonsai for some time, and my partner brought me a tree for Christmas, it would not have been my first choice as it’s a...