
  1. J-dub

    First week of bonsai

    Just finally started learning about Bonsai this week ordered myself a 8 inch ficus from Brussels through Amazon, excited to style it when it comes, as it will be my first time. Also dug up what I found out later was referred to as yamadori, it was a random unknown shrub species out of the yard...
  2. jbhampton31

    Large Tridents Please Help!

    I am a beginning my 2nd yr in bonsai. I purchased these trident maples from a widow of a club member who has passed. I got these trees late last spring and I am looking for help on how best to get these trees back on a path towards becoming bonsai. Trident #1 has 3 trunks and a big calloused...
  3. F

    How To Properly care for a Japanese Maple Bonsai in the winter?

    Hello this is my first post and my first Bonsai. I was gifted this "Kryptonite Japanese Maple" as a secret Santa gift. I have always wanted a Bonsai but never learned how to care for them so I never bought one. I have bought 2 books on bonsai care and I have been watching videos and reading...
  4. R

    Pond baskets, Nebari, and Fast Growth

    Hello! I want to develop my trees quickly, so I have them in large pond baskets. I also want to develop the nebari but the pond baskets are deep and large so I can grow the trunk. What can I do to develop the nebari in the baskets at the same time as the trunks? Thanks in advance for your help!
  5. Nefreia

    Identifying a Crassula and a Ficus

    First and foremost, I've finally decided to come out of the shadows. I've been stalking around this site for about a year now, made an account a month ago, and here we are today. And second, I'm new to the bonsai world and trying to learn what I can as I go. I currently have two plants that I'm...
  6. N

    Wondering about Willows

    Being that I am new and want to do this correctly, I am interested in the Australian Willow as a Bonsai. I live Arizona but it would be an inside Bonsai. Any input or easy STARTER would be greatly appreciated. John
  7. Tntthunder

    What are some organic soil substrates used for Bonsai?

    I was trying to look for some organic soils I can use because I don't want to buy Akadama as it is too expensive in my area and it apparently doesn't last long especially with my local climate. I would also like to use the same organic soils for both my trees and other plants I am propagating...
  8. Tntthunder

    A couple of questions about Chinese Junipers

    I keep seeing Junipers like these and they look absolutely beautiful. First how do they make the trunks on Junipers so thick? All the ones I tend to see at nurseries are small and thin. Secondly what is all the dead wood called? How is it created? Is that old parts of the tree or have they...
  9. Backwardsvg

    wanting to get a ficus

    Hey there, I want to dip my toe in ficus bonsai. I am looking for something that is pretty low work, can survive indoors well (outside in summer). Something that I can just cut up for fun and practice on. Fast growing and strong would be great. (Am I making up a unicorn tree haha) I don’t like...
  10. V

    Painting inside of bonsai pots

    Been stusying Bonsai for 4 months now. I have 8 indoor trees and plan on creating bonsai pots of my own, using cement. I see videos on youtube of people making them with molds and wiring. At the end they paint them of course. The inside of the pot as well. I keep wondering what kind of paint...
  11. the_ungawa

    Tree Identification Help

    Hello Bonsai Nut, I am new to the forum as a poster, but I have lurked off and on for some time. I am not new to bonsai, but I have not kept up with my studies or maintenance of my trees beyond watering, fertilizing, and repotting. I have recently become motivated to "come back" to taking it a...
  12. LunaticTree

    "Katsura" Maple and Larix

    Hello there! I am still relatively new to Bonsai, but I do know the basics by now. As for myself I am a Landscapegardener so it is nothing of a challenge to me to take care of special Flowers/Trees. I own quite a variety of Citrus plants and European Orchids, they are known to be quite...
  13. veles616

    Last year air layering

    Last year I tried airlayering some trees and the biggest branch that made it was one from my salix caprea, I left it alone to recover till this year. The main thing I'm learning right now is patience which I have none. There are a ton of mistakes in this picture and I'm asking you for you...
  14. R

    White Mould good or bad?

    Hi all, new here. I got my first bonsai. It was stored in an outdoor greenhouse but is an indoor plant. I took it home, put it in place (window with natural light) but the following day i noticed this on the soil. Is this an issue for the plant? Or just symbiotic with the soil and tree?
  15. E


    Hi all! 😊 I got a bonsai tree for my birthday from my brother but he said the shop assistant couldn’t tell what kind of bonsai tree it was. Could any of you guys help me out with identifying it please? Would mean a lot. Also open to tips on how to keep it and care for it but I will do the...
  16. Ruve

    Hello all, new here, check out my trees

    Recently I acquired this obsession, I mean hobby, a few months ago. I'm an avid researcher and have a particular personality. I present my trees as they are currently for your viewing pleasure. I have a few that I've worked on and some that are awaiting my guidance. I'm particularly enjoying...
  17. D

    inherited 20 year old natal plum bonsai

    Hello I'm new here. Also english isn't my first language so ignore spelling mistakes. I inherited a around 20 - 25 year old natal plum bonsai but never had bonsai before so no idea what to do with it. It's around 1,10m tall (with pot) and been pruned I think it's called last winter. Currently...
  18. S

    Bad decisions pruning a Scots pine, any hope?

    Hi all, I am a bit new to bonsai, but I have a few trees I am proud of. Today I got a Scots pine that would be the biggest one I've worked on yet. I got a bit overzealous removing branches and am having a bit of remorse about it. I don't think there is an obvious choice for a leader left at...
  19. Kodama

    Blue Spruce Thoughts?

    Hello there. Picked up this Blue Spruce from a side of the road nursery as I thought it might have some potential. Seems to want to want be a leaning style or wire to informal upright? Dug down into the base and seen this interesting trunk. Any thoughts on that? Was thinking I should style/wire...
  20. justindaniels

    Need help identifying

    Just picked this little up at Walmart this morning. It didn’t have a name tag on it but for the price I could t pass it up. If anyone could help me identify it so I can tack care of the way it needs would be very helpful
  21. L


    I'm kind of new to bonsai and I'm looking for advice for what I should do with this blue star juniper...
  22. W

    Tree id

    Hi im new to bonsai and was wondering if anybody knows what kind this is?
  23. L

    Outdoor Satsuski azalea in Oklahoma

    Hi friends, I am new to this bonsai thing. I asked for a bonsai tree for Christmas, in my mind since I live in Oklahoma an indoor one would be practical but I was gifted with an outdoor Satsuki azalea. I need tips for this plant and I have a few questions. 1. Can I grow this plant inside? 2...
  24. TurkishTree

    Procumbens nana juniper, need information.

    I bought a Procumbens Juniper yesterday, Firstly I need to know about watering. Second can it live in balcony? Third about the fertilization. Please help me to learn these
  25. TurkishTree

    My new bonsai need help.

    Hello, I bought a new bonsai (candidate) today, but the seller did not know it’s specie and a wire was attached to it should I get the wire out?
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