Hi guys!
So I have this Natal ficus and it was severely neglected. No pruning or repotting has been done to it in over 10 years or so. It was very pot bound in a small circular pot (the surface roots are hardened of in a circular pattern) and was potted into its current pot at the beginning of...
I got a Hokkaido Elm out of the trash at work. Its in bad shape but has some green growth and it is budding! I need to know how to help it get healthy again. I think it was being overwatered. Should i prune the naked branches even if they have tiny green spots on them? Should i repot it and...
I fished a mugo pine bonsai from the trash at the nursery i work at. Im wondering how to get it back to being healthy. Its a good size, almost all the needles are yellow and falling off. There is new green growth and there is sap in the buds(i plucked one off). I know its not dead but im...
This is a picture of....... before. I had to remove about half of the foliage due to it being dead and dried out. Not sure what type of juniper it is. I bought this from a guy who used to do bonsai...5 years early and had not touched it since he got it.