
  1. M

    Crepe Myrtle: Decisions

    Hello friends. I dug up this young purple crepe myrtle from a friend’s yard that they didn’t want. It’s relatively long and skinny for bonsai so I’m deciding whether or not to chop off the majority of the top. My plan is pictured below. Seem like a good idea? What would you guys do?
  2. Atom#28

    "Old Gold" - Help me please?

    I picked out this Old Gold Juniper at a box store after shamelessly feeling nebari through about 20 nursery pots. I love the trunk movement, and I feel like there are lots of options. I want to take this one really slow and methodical, so all I've done so far is some light cleaning. There is...
  3. ColinFraser

    Upgraded Trident Maple

    So I bought a Trident at the California Shohin Seminar last weekend (it's obviously not Shohin sized though). I'm excited about this tree and looking forward to working with it. I was impressed with the trunk's taper and movement, and despite some flaws, it's definitely one of the nicer pieces...
  4. Chinese Quince

    Chinese Quince

    Here is what it looks like after adding a little movement!
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