I have this larger Lion Head Japanese Maple I found burning up in the sun and dried up in a gravel lot. It looks a lot better now. The tree is in a 17 inch pot and the height is 44 inches tall.
The tree is root bound currently but seems to still be doing well in this plastic pot.
I’d like to...
I got this Shishigashira Maple as a gift a few weeks ago. It's nice and bushy and seems healthy so far. The trunk is about 1" thick or maybe a bit more, so it could stand to get bigger. It's got a lot of foliage everywhere, including coming out of the lower trunk, which I think will be a good...
So I did air layering for the first time after watching many videos on it's so I knew how to do it properly. I did it on a lions head Japanese maple that I have; I air layered two branches on this tree and waited 8 weeks. I checked today if there were roots and this is what I saw (see pictures)...
I found this Lions Head at a local nursery that looked great for bonsai. Seemed to be cared for very well and it's about 2 feet tall.
As it stands I dont feel like there is much to do to shape this one besides transferring it to a small pot. Any other ideas for this???