
  1. Apex37

    Cheap Affordable Indoor Light Recommendations

    Currently setting up my indoor grow area for my tropicals I'll be bringing inside in the subsequent weeks. I'll have them set up on industrial shelving that'll be 77"x 24". I would love any recommendations for cheap hanging lights I can install underneath the shelving for my plants that you...
  2. J

    Just got a Parrots beak does everything look all right?

    I got this tree about two weeks ago from our local garden center I just wanted to make sure everything looked all right the tree almost looks dead but leafs are starting to show but no current budding currently watering every other day and keeping relative humidity around 50% at 65 to 68° just...
  3. sLeepLess

    Reaching Out for 2nd Opinions

    Hello Everyone, I am obviously new to Bonsai Nut. I most likely have used this site in the past when searching for information but i use any and all sources available to me so i never settled down. If i used your knowledge before, it was just one among many but; Thank you! I suppose i am...
  4. S

    Target Soil Moisture Level for Juniper Procumbens nana

    Hello, I am new to bonsai growing and want to make sure that I am doing everything right for my bonsai. I am 99% sure that is a Juniper Procumbens nana. I just bought the bonsai for my desk at work and realized that the pot does not have a hole in the bottom to let excess water out. I am going...
  5. S

    Help Watering my Juniper Procumbens Nana

    Hello, I am new to bonsai growing and want to make sure that I am doing everything right for my bonsai. I am 99% sure that is a Juniper Procumbens nana. I just bought the bonsai for my desk at work and realized that the pot does not have a hole in the bottom to let excess water out. I am going...
  6. X

    Light pollution - street lighting affecting photoperiod

    I have noticed that the buds one of my mugo pines (p. mugo “mini mini”) are slightly beginning to push candles. It’s only February, and none of my other conifers are pushing yet. A super bright LED street light had been installed and is throwing light on my balcony where the mugo resides. I am...
  7. M

    How long is too long?

    Rookie question here, but it's one I cannot seem to find the answer to. It's winter, so my plants aren't getting a ton of sun. I've read that 4 may be enough to keep them alive. 6 hours would be better. 8 hours even more ideal. But where do I draw the line? Why not give them 15 hours (like in...
  8. J

    New Bonsai Tree - Trying to verify if I am giving it what it needs

    For Christmas, my mother gifted me a bonsai tree. I do not have a lot of windows in my apartment so growing lights are a must. I got these 18W LED flexible growing lights and both strips are focused on the tree for 12 hours of the day. My tree is next to a window and does receive some light but...
  9. Andrew R.

    Chinese Elm changing leaves

    Hello- I am wondering if this Chinese Elm is just losing its leaves because it is fall here in Chicago and has been a bit chilly recently, though the tree has been indoors. Or, is there something seriously wrong with it? The yellowing started a few days ago, maybe a week. The tree has always...
  10. I

    First post concerning placement of dwarf jade

    I have a dwarf jade . I have shelf in front of a east facing window, it's a great spot in terms of viewing the bonsai. it receives sunlight diffused from behind a large tree in my backyard. Today I moved it out to my deck to get some more sunlight but I am concerned about a couple things. 1...
  11. Derek Beaumont

    Green Mound Juniper

    I received my first bonsai as a present. I believe is is actually in decent shape and not what I think is referred to as a mallsai from what I've seen. I am from South Dakota and trying to find a place to keep it for the winter as it is frequently below zero outside which I've read is too cold...
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