lava rock

  1. C

    Where to source bulk soil?

    I'm looking for the best place to source the best/cheapest small grain akadama, black lava, and pumice. I'd like to buy it in like 50lb or so bags. Where do you guys get it like that? There's loads of online bonsai supply places selling it, but it's in small quantities, and cost way too much...
  2. The Warm Canuck

    Adequate baseline soil mix?

    I'm trying to come up with a baseline soil mix at an economic price, using locally sourced products. After lots of searching, these are the products U've been able to source: -a product called SafeTSorb, which is Turfice, -Lava Rock that is used for charcoal BBQ's (which I have to manually...
  3. J

    2 quart bonsai mix: japanese akadama, lava rock and hyuga pumice

    Hi. If anyone is interested I'm selling 2 quart of premium bonsai soil mix: Japanese akadama, lava rock, hyuga pumice. Never open. Only 1 bag available. $30 + shipping (from Texas). Last picture is an example, how to see the soil in your tree. Questions? Contact me. Thanks.
  4. markyscott

    Inorganic Soil Reference Sheet 1.2

    Here is the first resource developed from the thread "Introductory Soil Physics". It is a reference sheet defining common inorganic soil types used in bonsai. It expands on the selection discussed in the thread. It is not a recommendation of what one should use in their garden, rather a...
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