juniperus virginiana

  1. Eastern Red Cedar

    Eastern Red Cedar

    Otherwise known as Juniperus Virginiana. Night time pic.
  2. Eastern Red Cedar penjing

    Eastern Red Cedar penjing

    Also known as Juniperus Virginiana. This is in a penjing style as opposed to a bonsai. Still needs more styling over time.
  3. B

    ID & General Suggestions on Next Steps

    Hey all, First attempt at bonsai and gardening in general. I dug up this tree in early September of 2022 (was told it was likely an Eastern Red Cedar by folks over at r/Bonsai) from my family's farm in Georgia (an 8a/8b hardiness zone according to Google, currently in an identical/nearly...
  4. Juniperus Virginiana penjing literati bunjin

    Juniperus Virginiana penjing literati bunjin

    Juniperus Virginiana (Eastern Red Cedar) penjing after some wiring Sept. 2023
  5. Apex37

    Juniper Styling -- Apex

    Well finally got around to trimming and styling this juniperus virginiana I bought from Lowe's for $2 back in February. I got him when I first was starting up bonsai and really had no idea what I was doing. I hadn't done anything with him other than trying to keep him alive as he looked rough...
  6. Orion_metalhead

    Juniperus Virginiana (Eastern Red Cedar) #2

    Happy with this spruce styled ERC. New pot for next year: Age: 3yrs Training: 1yr Width: .23" Height: 10" A couple potential fronts: #1: #2 (My intended front):
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    Juniperus virginiana
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    Collected ERC . Pre-bonsai.
  10. 20190512_171553.jpg


    Eastern Red Cedar and " a few yews" Mother's Day May 12, 2019
  11. 20190513_185232.jpg


    ERC collected on Mother's Day. May 12, 2019
  12. CapeCodBonsai

    Eastern Red Cedar to Practice On

    I have no experience with bonsai but, have always appreciated the art. I recently decided to start learning about bonsai in the hope of picking up a new hobby. I’ve read enough posts on this forum to know that ERC makes for poor bonsai material but, figured since I needed some trees to practice...
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