juniperus ashei

  1. Big Country Bonsai

    First time collecting oneseed juniper

    I went out scouting for Ashe juniper earlier this week and to my surprise I ran across a stand of oneseed junipers! This is in Taylor county, Texas. East of where I though their range extended. The foliage and bark was different and every berry I examined only has one seed. Give me your opinion...
  2. Big Country Bonsai

    Another collected Ashe juniper

    Just wanted to post another tree I recently collected. This is an Ashe juniper that was growing on a southern embankment.
  3. Big Country Bonsai

    Texas Juniper Yamadori

    So I’ve been doing some collecting this year and I have found some nice Ashe junipers that I have my eye on. I have gotten a few out and can hopefully get a couple more into pots before the collecting season is over. Here are a couple I plan to eventually collect. Let me know which ones you...
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