Hello all, I am very excited to be documenting my bonsai journey. I have just received my first two trees. One a Dwarf Kingville Boxwood from Brussels In northern mississippi, the other a juniper procumbens nana from Bonsai boy in NY. They seem too look great with moist soil upon receiving.
Hi neighbours
I'm in Melbourne Australia and currently we are heading into summer, I just noticed those yellow tips on my juniper, also I was away in the last month and my roommates helped me looking after it, to me this looks like a bit of over watering , just want to get a second thought from...
This is my first winter with a bonsai and was hoping for some advice. I have a 3-year-old juniper. I'm in southern Minnesota, so I'm in the 5a zone. I've seen lots of varying information on how to care for junipers in winter, and I wasn't sure what the best solution for my tree might be...
I just acquired this juniper itoigawa and I have a feeling is not doing so well, my guess is that the akadama soil it's planted in got milled and the roots don't get enough oxigen.
My plan is to repot it in spring with some better soil.
I might be wrong as I don't know a lot about this...
Hello. I got this juniper about a month ago, and the leaves have begun to turn yellow. I leave it outside almost all the time (located in MN) and water it about every two to three days. The pot has drainage holes, if that's helpful information. It was bright green when I got it, so any advice on...
I have a very bad case of Spider Mites. I have tried to kill them - I used Capt Jack. It hasnt been successful.
My Mom kept this tree in her patio it was attacked by Squirrels. I moved it to a patio away from the squirrels and it started to turn brown. Its in Los Angeles - weve had a...
I have had this small juniper (procumbus?) for 2 years now. I would really appreciate any kind of styling advice or opinions. What would you do? This is the only juniper in my collection, the rest are satsuki.
Today I bought two bonsai as a birthday gift for my girlfriend. We've both never had bonsai, but I remember a friend that bought one a long time ago and he told me they can be temperamental.
As you might be able to tell, the one on the left is Itoigawa Juniper and the right is operculicarya...
Repotted this parsoni juniper in March after the last cold week into a pond basket and into inorganic soil from its nursery pot.
Last summer I did some basic styling but havent touched the foliage since.
Foliage is stiff, not growing any new shoots, not much browning at tips, but seems...
So im pretty experienced with atlantic cypress in my own time having grown bonsai - but ive recently been given a small tree by a friend who was struggling to care for it. They've told me it was sold to them as 'Chamaecyparis Obtusa - Hinoki cypress / Juniper' to be kept indoors (we're in...
Hey everyone,
A couple of weeks ago I posted a Juniper that was and still is pretty sickly. I’m trying to get it happier. A lot of the foliage is growing but I have a section that has just been at a standstill and not grown at all since I’ve been tending to it.
I believe the juniper has...
I'm learning how to design and looking for feedback to improve my skills.
I'm sending the before and after of a plant I just modeled. Kindly give me your opinion, including tips on what could have been done differently.
Hi Everyone
I was gifted a Juniper Bonsai back in December and I have been recently thinking about trying to shape and prune it. Right now it’s in a nursery pot and is looking quite bushy. It has one main stem that goes up then curves to the side with other branches coming off of it. Ideally...
Hello everyone!
I’m in Texas, zone 8a. I’ve had this Parson’s juniper for about 2 years I I’ve let it recover for a couple of growing seasons, as I had given it a few pretty good insults since I bought it from nursery stock. (ie. changing potting angle, working roots and getting the king whips...
Hi folks,
I did a bit of snipping at some nursery stock over the May bank holiday and thought Id come on here for a bit of advice.
I'm still very much a novice, but I think there's a nice multi-trunk bonsai in here with a few years' work. The tip I found recently about clipping out the large...
I want to ask for help.
I have a juniper tree that has been behaving the same way for 2 years: it sprouts normally, starts to elongate and dries from the inside out.
Other than that, the tree is healthy.
In the pictures you can see two types of sprouting, scales and spiky (a sign of stress), but...
So mid autumn I wired up my first trees. Two junipers that I bought at a nursery. They then spent most of the winter ranging from -3 to -22 Celcius buried under snow on my apartments balcony as I protected them from the wind as best as possible
One juniper I wired 3/4 branches, the other I...
Temps have been in the 50s and 60s the last week and I’ve noticed some lighter foliage on my Shimpaku. Little white flowers are also coming out around the entire tree. Any advice or reassurance would be great. Thanks.
My juniper recently suffered a spider mite attack, and I’ve been treating it with neem oil spray for a while. I managed to get rid of the spider mites, but they managed to harm several branches where the infestation began. I was wondering if I should prune the dead parts away now or wait until...
Posted a few weeks ago and since then my juniper has declined even more. Any ideas on what I could be dealing with? Do I need to cut everything off except for the one tiny healthy branch? Little black spots everywhere. You can kind of see them in the pictures but the main concern is all the tips!
Hello, I bought a Juniper a week ago but I didnt do a scratch test to check the cambium layer. Now, after a week I did a check and it's white inside on various places. At the trunk as wel as the branches. Is this normal during colder periods or is there no life in the tree anymore?
Since the...
Collected this tree last fall. From the moment I collected it, it showed little to no signs of stress, and through this season threw out a ton of new growth, all of which was mature. When I potted it, I actually significantly shallowed the root ball and reduced its circumference. This thing...
I keep seeing Junipers like these and they look absolutely beautiful.
First how do they make the trunks on Junipers so thick? All the ones I tend to see at nurseries are small and thin.
Secondly what is all the dead wood called? How is it created? Is that old parts of the tree or have they...
I’m new to bonsai and I’ve figured out the front but been kinda stuck on the design of this juniper. I wonder if I should have the lower branches go lower. Any thoughts?
Hello all, I’m a newbie (2 yrs ish) and my juniper has developed this bumpy looking white / tan stuff on the visible roots / lower trunk, this is my first encounter with any health issues in a tree so I’m wondering - does it look like white mold? Mineral deposits? (See photos attached) Any...