japanese holly

  1. Coach_

    Yaupon Holly Yamadaori

    A lady on FB market place was giving these away after digging them up in her yard. They had been dug out for a full day with almost no feeder roots left over. Got them home, wired em into these big pits and filled it with tons of perlite, my inorganic mix and a little bit of coco coir. I...
  2. Apex37

    Brown Spot on Japanese Holly Cuttings

    Just curious if anyone has insight as to what might be going on here. Probably a very basic question with a lot of possibilities, but I’m still trying to nail down propagation. I have these guys in pure perlite and noticed some are browning on leaves. Moisture looks to be fine, but maybe they’re...
  3. Apex37

    Japanese Pagoda Holly Fungus/Pest ID

    I picked up this little pagoda Japanese holly at a small local nursery while we were up in North Carolina. They’re very hard to find locally back at home and online they are small sticks in a pot for $30+. I haven’t had the chance to do anything with him yet and he’s just been chillin on the...
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