hot weather

  1. C

    Identification Problem - Juniper?

    I recently got this bonsai plant, and I believe it's a juniper; I'm just not sure of the species. Do any of the old-timers on this site know what they sold me? I'd appreciate your advice. Not looking for my first tree to be my first failure.
  2. Paul F.

    Protecting tree seedlings - bench build

    Hey guys… I have over 300 tree seedlings of various types mostly tropicals that are at the beginning stages of life. I was wondering if anyone has built any type of bench that can protect the seedlings from heavy rain and wind? I live in be Florida Keys and we get tons of storms and heavy rain...
  3. Jan JC

    Acer palmatum in "hot" weather ?

    Hey everyone! First of all, I'd like to apologize if my english isn't correct, I'm from Spain so it's not my maternal language... Anyway, I have a Japanese Maple (actually two of them), varieties are 'Seiryu' and 'Yamamomiji' (common Japanese Maple), since this spring-summer (2020). They've been...
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