Hi, Have shaped saplings a couple of times but never attempted to shape a more mature one.
This Beni maiko is from a garden centre and was curious if its at all possible to shape it or if its a good tree to try with.
Any advice on which branches to cut or move would be very welcome as I'm not...
Hello everyone, this is my first proper attempt at bonsai. I bought this Chinese elm as a bonsai starter and immediately planted in the ground with the intention to thicken the trunk.
I am interested to know your thoughts as to the direction I should go with the tree. I am also concerned...
Hi everybody,
I am pretty new to Bonsai and i have these JBP seedlings that i have for about 3-5 months, some of the needles are starting to become a little purple/red on some of the needles.
Not really sure what could be the cause of this, could this be a watering issue? They get about 6-8...
Hello all,
Got my first two bonsai trees this past April, and officially have the bug. Bought a bunch of books that I'm currently working my way through, subscribed to a few youtube channels (shoutout bonsai heirloom, Milton is very charming), and been browsing this forum until just recently...
I recently moved into a new home and the last owners left this tiny jade behind, im not a plant person whatsoever and i know nothing about bonsai's, but i really dont want it to die.
I have some questions and i would love some answers
-when should i water it?
-how much water should i give it...
Hi Everyone, I just need ideas on styling this black pine. I'm new to all this and not sure if I picked a good starter or not. I'm also curious if I can make it grow on a large rock or not. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.
soo, my bonsai trunk is really squishy and rotten i guess? i feel like it’s because of overwareting. one of the trunks even fell apart :( is there anything i could do to save it? the leaves and branches look okay but today i noticed few yellow leaves. other than that it looks healthy. i fear...
Can somone Please help me Name this Plant! The Real name I was told it Before but I forgot! Juniper? Chinese Elm, Maple?
Or the Real Specific Name Would be Awesome!
Hello Bonsai Blackbelts.
I have a JBP that I bought about 5 years ago, and the ad said it was 'very old' at that time. Lookes like they staryed an exposed root but i didnt know what i was doing at the time (like worse than now).
I repotted it in a training pot (I made out if a redwood fence...
I have tried to learn and educate myself, but I am at the point where I need a guide.
Someone who is willing to get together (monthly? Quarterly?), sit down and look at a tree together and work on it together and show me the answers to so many 'why' questions i have from the myriad of ways...
Hey guys, so i have this ficus ginseng (microcarpa) and a few months ago it started to show this browinsh/yellow spots, i letted it go beacause i thought it would just go with less watering but it stills there. I used to spray water on the leaves more than its supposed to so i think thats the...
Hi! Complete newbie here. 7B, Bonsais are being kept outside during the day (when its warm and sunny) and inside during the night (or when days are gloomy and cold). Watering once a day and plants are potted in bonsai soil.
I purchased three different species of willow cuttings (Dragon...
I own eleven trees. All of them are doing well, prospering, growing, etc. BUT THIS FICUS DEAR GOSH! I only water when it needs, I have made sure it gets good light and not too much, it has been outside for weeks yet continues to lose foliage. I am out of ideas, help me Bonsai Nut, you're my only...