ground planting

  1. E

    Questions about Ground Planting

    I’ve heard about how ground planting can greatly help in growing trunk and just growing in general, but never really got any specifics on doing it. I tried searching it up and I didn’t find anything too in-depth. I was told by an experienced bonsai artist in my local club just recently that I...
  2. J

    Longer term strategy for Citrus trifoliata (Hardy Orange/Flying Dragon)

    I recently discovered this species and immediately decided I had to have one. As a true beginner, I am not in a huge rush to hack this guy down and stick it into a bonsai pot. Happy to let this one develop slowly over time while I practice on more readily available/cheaper nursery stock. My plan...
  3. O

    Bedding Trees

    I have quite a few small trees I took as saplings a few years ago and potted them in various grit mixes. They are doing great but are getting too big (and there are too many) to keep potting up, I simply cant make that much grit. I want to put them in the ground for a few years to let them...
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