
  1. swamp_lantern

    How to start pomegranate from seed?

    Hey everybody! My grandmother had a pomegranate tree (unsure of what cultivar) that dropped a lot of fruit this season. She suddenly passed a week ago and I decided to collect a pomegranate that had dropped 3 months ago so that I could make some bonsais to remember her. Last night I processed...
  2. C

    Pinus Parviflora early germination

    Hello all, I collected some seeds from a Japanese white pine (glauca) this fall (about 2 months ago now). I followed some recommendations that the seeds should first be scarified, then soaked, then placed in vermiculite for around 60 days in room temp, followed by 90 days cold strat. Well, this...
  3. P

    Cold stratification

    Hello all I have a question regarding cold stratification in the fridge. The guide I had with my seeds state I should leave them in the fridge for 4-6 weeks. I have also seen in a video and read somewhere online that you should wait for them to sprout in the fridge? Is this correct? I would...
  4. P

    Cold stratification

    Hello all I have a question regarding cold stratification in the fridge. The guide I had with my seeds state I should leave them in the fridge for 4-6 weeks. I have also seen in a video and read somewhere online that you should wait for them to sprout in the fridge? Is this correct? I would...
  5. glass_shark

    Question about some chinese elm seeds

    Hello all, I have been venturing into seed starting, and i've had some luck! a seed has sprouted. for context, these are chinese elm seeds, i have put them in a pot around november, and they have been outside in the cold as if they were "in the wild" and now im seeing a sprout or two. the...
  6. B

    BRT germination / seedling growing help

    Please feel free to point me to another thread if it exists. I tried searching but couldn’t find it. Against most internet advice- I’m starting my bonsai journey trying to germinate seeds and grow my own trees. I love BRTs and have bought some seeds online. First few orders were through an...
  7. Ferg91

    Judas tree, & 3 species of redwood stratification/germination

    Hello I currently live in St. Louis Missouri in USA. Six months into doing bonsai‘s and thus far I have been unable to germinate any Judas. I am roughly 1 for 100 in the redwood area. (Still alive but accidentally burn the starting leaf’s, growth is extremely slow but fully recovered from...
  8. Ferg91

    Silver birch/mugo pine stratification/germination

    Hello I had tried the Mugo pine and Silverbirch stratification and germination before unfortunately with 0% success I was wondering if anyone has had any success and getting these little buggers to germinate. All info would be much appreciated thank you very much
  9. Ferg91

    Stratification/Germination Acacia&Sakura

    I’ve tried germinating acacia and Sakura seeds three times now from purchases on Amazon I now purchased more viable seeds from individuals on Etsy. I was just looking for other people who have successfully germinated these and to see if their method was different than mine thank you.
  10. BuggsBalmer

    Dwarf Mugo Pine seeds

    Hi everyone I'm looking for some advice on sowing and germination of Dwarf Mugo Pine seeds in the southern hemisphere. It's a species I've been wanting to get for a while, but due to the laws and restrictions in place in South Africa, it's seriously hard to get any actual material. I've finally...
  11. Y

    Japanese wisteria germination

    Does anyone have any tips to get Japanese wisteria seeds to germinate I have tried twice with no success. Once in damp paper towels and the send time in a mason jar that had fresh air let in daily and a little spray of water for humidity.
  12. Caleb Campbell

    Field Maple from seed?

    Just ordered some Acer campestre seeds from F. W. Schumacher so I can start stratifying them pretty soon and sow them next spring. I figured it would be a great species to start from seed because they can tolerate my hot humid climate, and they bulk up and develop very fast, similar to how...
  13. CherylMatthews

    Question about stratification process..

    Hi everyone. Just a quick question about the stratification process of growing bonsai trees. When putting seeds in a sealed plastic bag to put in the fridge for a period of time, does the bag need to be ventilated by putting holes in it or does it just need to be sealed? Thanks in advance and...
  14. Alexshep

    Growing Pinus maximartinezii from seed

    Pinus maximartinezii or the maxipiñon. A truly interesting species of pine. There are a few characteristics that make it a really unique among pines. For starters, it is the biggest seed of any pine, averaging about a gram each and up to 3cm long. The juvenile foliage stage lasts for several...
  15. T

    Germinating Seedlings Fried in Full Sun?

    I've become quite adept at starting seeds during the wrong season, indoors under less-than-ideal conditions, shuffling them in and out all day to harden off :) Since I routinely read that certain species like pines NEED to start under full sun for the best development, have been excited to start...
  16. milehigh_7

    Article Dr. Norman Deno: 2nd Supplement to Seed Germination Theory and Practice 2018-01-02

    The Second Edition of Seed Germination Theory and Practice and the First and Second Supplements provide data on the germination of about five thousand species. These data provide a basis for either exactly knowing the germination pattern or for making a reasonable prediction of the germination...
  17. milehigh_7

    Article Dr. Norman Deno: 1st Supplement to Seed Germination Theory and Practice 2018-01-01

    I INTRODUCTION This is the First Supplement to the Second Edition of Seed Germination Theory and Practice. Contained herein are data on 40 new families, 518 new genera, 1117 new species, and updates of earlier work on 282 species. In general, the principles and germination patterns presented in...
  18. A

    how much can seeds of one species vary? help needed...

    Hi everyone, I just joined bonsai nut because I need your experienced help. I bought pinus parviflora and prunus serrulata seeds, among others, over the last couple months. I bought several bags from different suppliers and I'm very confused, because they vary greatly in size and shape. So much...
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