
  1. RJG2

    Anyone? Korean mountain ash (Sorbus alnifolia)

    Has anyone seen or tried a Korean mountain ash bonsai? It seems like a great candidate. Unlike native mountain ash (Rowan), the leaves are not compound - plus, fall color and berries are great! My Google searches came up empty, aside from a couple passing comments here between @Leo in N E...
  2. RJG2

    Shohin Barberry

    As purchased Feb. 2023: Repotted: Flowers, spring 2023: Current (just removed wires; rebuilding branches and growing out new leader section):
  3. RJG2

    Unknown Crab

    This one is getting promoted from my Threadless thread. Collected from the woods spring 2022. Collection post (chop, root cutback, etc): Update 1 (2022/07/12)...
  4. Sticks 'n' Triangles

    Pyracantha and General Pruning and Removing Flowers/Berries For Growing-on

    I recently bought this young nursery pyracantha 'teton' as I thought it had an interesting trunk line, nice tight foliage/nodes and good sacrificial branches. I plan to hard prune in spring/summer, to reduce the potential inverse taper points, then allow to grow on for a few years either in a...
  5. IMG_20200727_213643_652.jpg


    Prunus Mume fruit (apricot)
  6. Melendwyr

    Are fruit seeds a viable way to start bonsai?

    I've been looking around for tree seedlings growing in unwanted places, but most of the candidates I see are on private property or are inaccessible. Buying trees is expensive. So I've been looking into starting tree seeds myself, and the most obvious place to start is with the seeds of the...
  7. AppleBonsai

    Nejikan Pomegranate For Sale #6

    **Pom #6- $15 + shipping (Continental US only) USPS Priority Mail only. It's usually $13.45 for the medium box to most zip codes and can combine shipping if you purchase more than one tree from me. I will be posting as fast as I can. -First to reply gets it. I will then PM you my PayPal and you...
  8. AppleBonsai

    Nejikan Pomegranate For Sale

    **Pom #5- $15 + shipping (Continental US only) USPS Priority Mail only. It's usually $13.45 for the medium box to most zip codes and can combine shipping if you purchase more than one tree from me. I will be posting as fast as I can. -First to reply gets it. I will then PM you my PayPal and you...
  9. AppleBonsai

    Trees to Sell: Nejikan Pomegranates Anyone?

    Hey Nutters, I am moving and have too many trees to move them all(along with the family)...I have spent the last several years propagating one of my favorite trees for bonsai: Nejikan pomegranates- and many other varieties... I probably have at least a dozen in 3.5- 4" squares with good sized...
  10. JoeR

    Dwarf Barbados Cherry

    So at the Winter Bonsai Silhouette show I bought a dwarf barbados cherry prebonsai from a vendor for what I think is a good price. I have been thinking about purchasing one from wigerts for some time. Anyway, I bought it saturday and I noticed today that the leaves drop very easily when...
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