first post

  1. Youngling

    Thank You

    Greetings from South Africa. To each and everyone of you on this site i just want to give a massive thank you. I have lurked here since I got my very first tree about 13 years ago. Finally made an account 2 or so years back. Well i guess every single question I've had has been asked and answered...
  2. zero

    Elm - Ulmus Hollandica Jacqueline Hillier

    Hello BonsaiNut! I have been learning about Bonsai over the last year and finally purchased my first real tree from my local nursery! It's a "Dutch Elm" and I believe it was a good choice as a first tree. I am happy to have joined BonsaiNut and have been enjoying very much reading through the...
  3. Maw

    My trees 🌴🌳🌲🌵🌱

    Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and wanted to share my trees. 👋 The trees are Chinese Privat, Ficus brothers and sister, Brush Cherry and Serissa Foetida(snow rose) I have been into bonsai for over 1 year now. I got really happy seeing the flower on the Serissa yesterday! 😍 Tips...
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