
  1. Nefreia

    Identifying a Crassula and a Ficus

    First and foremost, I've finally decided to come out of the shadows. I've been stalking around this site for about a year now, made an account a month ago, and here we are today. And second, I'm new to the bonsai world and trying to learn what I can as I go. I currently have two plants that I'm...
  2. D

    Fig tree (ficus carica) to be made into bonsai

    Hello, I have this fig tree for several years now, it is about 5 years old. Is it getting too large for my house at about 5 feet tall and I want to turn it into Bonsa tree.. I am planning to repot it into bonsai pot with Bonsai soil which I have decent experience with, but I am in doubt when...
  3. P

    Mystery pest ID

    For the past three days now I have noticed these pellet that look like droppings from an animal but I cant figure out what or if its animal poop at all. the leave above where i find the droppings is almost completely eaten. The plant is a common fig.
  4. SeedlingMeg

    Identifying a Bonsai

    Hi all, Last year I received some great advice on a Chinese Elm Bonsai on this forum and I’m forever grateful for the help! I’ve been learning more about Bonsais and have fallen in love! Recently I’ve been gifted another Bonsai (I think from a generic garden centre) and can’t seem to place...
  5. Mr. Green

    Indoor Bonsai for Beginners

    Hi guys, Since I am completely new to this forum, I will give a quick intro: I am 23, German/French/Italian, studying in the Netherlands. I have always had a love for growing things, especially in early high school. After a few months of not being active on that side, my passion for plants has...
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