
  1. Nomad828

    Ficus Too Little 1st Bonsai

    Hello my name is Jeff I'm new to the forum and I'm new to Bonsai so any knowledge or help is much appreciated. So me & the wife just got a "Ficus two small" tree and we're wanting to know the basics and how to care for it shape it etc. I believe the grower I bought it from said it was around 4...
  2. R

    Please help: Bonsai survey for my friend's college class 🤠

    Hi! I have a friend from outside the bonsai community who is looking for perspectives on topics surrounding the culture of bonsai cultivation for her college class. Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially from those who are more experienced in this community. Here is the link to her...
  3. rollwithak

    Youtube Curiosity -

    Hey All, Through many many many hours watching YouTube and studying, I've began to wonder if any of our members here are any of the YouTube personalities and/or teachers? Do any of our members have YouTube pages? Any Peter Chans out there? 🤣😂 Also, to make this more worthwhile than a simple...
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