douglas fir

  1. M

    Doug Fir Seedling progress

    Just wanted to share some progress of growing out Doug fir from seedlings. They don't seem to get a ton of love, but I've found them to be very robust growers(obviously Seattle is pretty conducive) easy back/budding, incredible root growth. I had a few different generations going which I just...
  2. L

    Beginner Douglas Fir

    Hello all. I am getting into Bonsai; my husband and I have a double dwarf boxwood we are working on from a nursery. It is doing very well. My husband was born and raised in Oregon but moved away for work. I want to get him a Douglas fir to bonsai to remind him of home. Do they do well? Online...
  3. Flowerhouse

    Some Flowerhouse natives

    In order of collection: Yardadori Picea pungens. I dug this from a bad spot in my yard in 2020. It was too close to my willows, so shaded, choked by roots, and deprived of rainfall. It's in a big pot that I begged off my neighbors:) The new growth is at the same stage as the successful blue...
  4. Harewood Hobbyist

    Rerepotting "yamadori" Douglas Fir?

    I've recently decided to "do bonsai" which for me means kind of jumping in. There was some raod work near me in January and February and I dug up 17 small tho pleasingly gnarly Doug Firs that were in the path of the work. For the most part they had good feeder roots and because of the...
  5. D

    Pseudotsuga menziesii (I think), style suggestions

    I got this Douglas Fir for $20. Its 2.5ft (3ft to apex), In WA state. Any suggestions on styling and care (soil, watering, etc) or advice? Fairly new to the game. This is my first post btw. I know this needs to be outside but there is renovation on patio starting tomorrow and next day, so I had...
  6. parhamr

    So I bought 225 native tree seedlings…

    …what a time to be alive! This Weyerhaeuser nursery in Oregon produces 11 million seedlings each year. They’re sold in bags of 80–200; here’s what you see when opening a bag of 125 Western Hemlock: Our friend @Vance Wood has bemoaned that the nursery trades do not make these species readily...
  7. parhamr

    Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglasfir)

    I have had this for two years. It has many more to go.
  8. base797

    Douglas Fir

    Spent the afternoon working on this Douglas Fir. Collected in 2010, height is 26" and trunk is 2.5" above the base. Brought it inside for a pic and can take better ones tomorrow if there is interest. Patrik
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