desert rose

  1. Ferg91

    Albino Desert Rose HALP

    I planted some desert rose seeds for the first time and to keep it alive I read that you could try and graft other leaves on it. I have thus far been unsuccessful, can't figure out a good way to put other leaves from desert rose into the small cut I put on the albino guy. Anyone else have any...
  2. rollwithak

    Desert Rose www.crapbomb

    Evening All, I ordered this desert rose from a guy on eBay, and tried telling him I’d pay more to ship it faster since I live in a very hot climate and it’s dead of summer. He declined and said it can take hot weather. Needless to say, it arrived ans the roots are completely dry. Anyway, this...
  3. P

    Just got my first Bonsai (Desert Rose)

    Hello everyone! My friend just gifted me with my first Bonsai. He gave me an Adenium (Desert Rose). I want to take really good care of it, but since I'm really new into this world I would like to ask a couple of questions, since one website says one thing, and the other says the opposite. 1-...
  4. Bonsai Buddy

    Need help for a new adenium arabicum owner.

    Hi all! I just bought my Mom an adenium arabicum as a gift, she has always wanted a desert rose. We intend on growing it as a bonsai, but until next spring it will be in a nursery pot. But while we have rudimentary knowledge of non succulent bonsai neither one of us has any experience with...
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