christmas tree

  1. TGBentsze

    Blue Spruce - Christmas tree to Bonsai

    Hi guy, happy holidays! Recently I have bought my chritmas tree, and its a blue spruce. I was wondering if I could make a bonsai out of it. I have seen Bonsai Empires video ( ), do you guys have any tips or trick? Mainly for the period when it is indoors, and til early spring, I would love to...
  2. M

    mwh’s 2023-2026 little Christmas tree entry

    A little late to the game, but I managed to find a few flats of Dwarf Alberta Spruce with Christmas tags hidden in the back of the local nursery. Nothing at Home Depot etc. These were clearly leftovers from Christmas. I picked up three. The trunks are nothing to write home about, but they were...
  3. Carapace

    Documentation of Abies nordmanniana sold as a christmas tree

    This nordman fir will be grown on a two balconies (N facing & S facing) in Bucharest. Photos will be posted tomorrow
  4. pandacular

    panda’s 23-26 little Christmas tree entry

    Picea glauca ‘Conica’ - dwarf Alberta spruce We had already decided to get a living tree that would be maintained along with my other trees before this contest, but I may as well make an entry for this one. I think it will be an interesting tree to design, as my idea of a Christmas tree is...
  5. SlayingCondors

    Serbian Spruce (Picea Omorika) Christmas Tree

    I found a (hopefully) living Christmas tree abandoned on the street the other day. It was a Serbian spruce (picea omorika), originally sold for just £10 in a local supermarket. Inspired by Corin at Greenwood Bonsai, I decided prune it, wire the primary branches and pot it up. I know the wire...
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