chinese wisteria

  1. moriel

    Wisteria sinensis

    Got a grafted wisteria sinensis (nursery stock) that has been sitting on that pot for about 2 years. I'd love to do something like the picture below (taken from W. Valavanis website ): Any experiences with tall wisteria...
  2. A

    Alivation's Semi-Cascade Wisteria thread

    Good day everyone! This is going to serve as a thread for me to post my wisteria for me to track it's progress. I got it shortly after the ice storm Uri here in Texas, honestly worried it would die as it had arrived just prior to it hitting and sat in a frozen solid mail box cubicle for about...
  3. cozmicat

    Any idea?

    Why are My Chinese wisteria growing like this? (See image) I am not familiar with Chinese wisteria, maybe this is just what they do. Is there something wrong with them?
  4. amatbrewer

    chineese wisteria design ideas?

    I have a Wisteria sinensis ,Chinese wisteria, that I started from seed (don't recall exactly when maybe 5-8 years ago) and am looking for some development ideas. It is very two dimensional with very little front/back movement in the trunk and only the one back branch. It does not seem to...
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