Hi everyone. I prune some very thin branches on Hornbeam and it started to bleed, before that I hadn't dealt with Hornbeam, is bleeding for it as dangerous as for Maple? Should I postpone pruning until autumn or after the leaves mature?
Here is another Carpinus Caroliniana I collected in December 2020. It has a rather straight trunk, but has a massive (comparitively) opposing root flare. Will be a nice, straight, shohin+ haha. Wish I got pictures of the roots when I potted it.
Upon Collection:
Leafed out in February and here...
I found small carpinus betulus ( I think ) that grow in clay/mud/leaf mold and I want to dig them up. I know if I can get them home without disturbing the root ball at all theyll be fine. But then? Maybe I should do this and then bareroot them in february 🤔
I have seen multiple websites claim theyre the same, and Ive seen multiple websites claim theyre different and also sell them separately. What gives? Also believe Ive seen it spelled "coreana". Need expert advice.
Hello all, I've collected a trio of American hornbeam this winter and really hope to develop my skills on indigenous decidous, say that 3 times fast! I used @Zach Smith advice from his bonsai South website for collecting. I'll sort out one primarily for the contest provided they all survive...